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impossible to install plan-G

Started by MALLOZZI, December 31, 2010, 06:09:17 PM

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 W7pro 64bit

impossible to install(PLAN-G) before the end i have this msg

error 1001:installtilLib.dll.lrreateManagedlnstance (hr=0x80004005) erreur non spécifiée



Unfortunately, I receive the exact same message... :(

I first downloaded and installed .Net Framework 4 Client Profile. Then, launched PlanG setup... after a while the above error message pops up and PlanG falls back to "Installation Incomplete" page.

Any help is highly appreciated!!!

Thank you!

Victor Quebec

tim arnot

The only suggestion I can come up with, from googling the error message, is to uninstall and reinstall .Net.

Tim. @TimArnot


very good work this program...i must congratulate you on a fine piece of program! but unfortunately i cannot install the newest version because it keeps telling me that there is no C: ...for reasons unknown it is not possible to divert the installation path with the new version...any advice?

tim arnot

Could you possibly show a screenshot of this error? It's not something I've ever come across before.

Tim. @TimArnot


this message appeared right after i agreed to the EULA...there was no chance to alter the path -as was possible for earlier versions
attached you can see the system is an XP pro sp3 harddrive has the letter "H" ...i have no "C".


Can you map C to something? That would let you install it.


thx for your it's not an option...i'll just use the older version and hope for a more flexibel install method... i mean: it was possible before so it shouldn't be a great issue to enable this at some later time...

tim arnot

Ok, 2.0.3 is due fairly soon, I'll look into it for that.

Tim. @TimArnot


Getting "invalid drive: C:\" error when trying to install latest version. There is no "select the install folder" dialog, so i can't do anything with it.

Win XP, system drive is H:\


ON my PC vista 64B when i install Plan G I have the following Msg

error 1001.InstallUtilLib.dll.Unknown error
and then this happen almost at the end of installing Plan G which stop at this moment and cancel all installation.

Is some body could help me for a proper installation .
Many thanks in advance

tim arnot

Try uninstalling .Net4 and reinstalling it.

Tim. @TimArnot


Thank you so much for your prompt answer .
I tried what you said by desinstall and re-install NTE framework.4. of course clean up the register before re-installing
Unfortunatly ; this has not resolved the problem.

I'm trying to find other solution .. if you have any other idea.. please, let me know.
thanks again
your fairhfully

tim arnot

That was pretty much the only suggestion that came up from googling the error. Not very helpful I know, but it's not a very helpful error message.

Tim. @TimArnot