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Addon Scenery not being added

Started by JDLinn, February 01, 2011, 03:57:15 PM

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I saw a thread on this 120 days old, and the suggestion was start a new topic ... hence this "new" topic.

I have added addon scenery and the airports in it are not showing up.  This has got to me MY LOCAL PROBLEM, not something wrong with PLAN-G because my friends are having NO PROBLEMS seeing these added airports using the same scenery files and we are all using "addon scenery" as the folder where they are stored.

Here's my configuration:

I put my FSX into C:/FSX
My scenery.cfg file is at: C:\Users\Doug\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX 
I've got both "locations" pointed to in the options.

The airport (example) I'm looking for is PF20 ... when I look for it in FSX, with the 'go to airport' .. it is there.
When I do a "find" in Plan-G, it is not.  (Note the attached)

I've got Plan-G 2.0.3 and am using windows 7.

Note: I'm new to windows 7 so maybe there is an "obvious" setting in there that I'm missing. Any ideas from the gang here would be helpful.

Thanks, Doug

tim arnot

Can you have a look in the log file?  When you build the db, you should see an entry something along the lines of:

11:20:15.0 Scanning folder 115: D:\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Addon Scenery
11:20:15.0 Decoded file: PF20_ADEX_KG.BGL Apts: 1 Vors: 0 Ndbs: 0 wpts: 0 Approaches: 0 Bdys: 0

(obviously, there will be many other files and folders listed, but it should be pretty early on in the log, depending on how many addon sceneries you have installed)

Now, if there's a problem, there's likely to be an error recorded just before or after those lines.
Could you copy & paste that section from the log?

Edit: The log file is Plan-G_Log.txt, in the main Plan-G folder

Tim. @TimArnot


Sure thing, Tim.  Hated to bother anyone with this ... I know it's a problem on MY machine, as I stated.  Thanks for peeking over my shoulder.


tim arnot

That's interesting, it's not showing any files in the Addon Scenery folder.

Here's something to try: Go into the Locations dialog (either through Options, or click the launcher button beneath the two Build buttons), and set the FSX and scenery.cfg manually. Although it appears to be picking them up from the registry, it might be there's an unprintable character or somesuch in there somewhere that's throwing it.

Tim. @TimArnot


Put it in manually, same result.

Maybe I should uninstall, go to the registry and take out all Plan-G things, then re-install?  (I won't do it unless you say to try)  I can handle reg edit.  I bet its in the registry somewhere. I uninstalled and reinstalled and it remembered the flights and the paths for the locations. There might be something "hung" in the registry with that space you are talking about?  Really appreciate your time on this.  I'm in no rush (the new web page has got me hopping!: :-)


tim arnot

Check the path to your scenery.cfg. Make sure it's set to C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\FSX\ (there are other copies of the file in other places, but they will not be correct or up to date)

Tim. @TimArnot


No, that didn't work either. I attached the log again.  What do you think, a lobotomy on the registry? I'll say one thing, you are pointing me at things I didn't know existed!  Oh the joys of a new OS and new Computer! :-)

tim arnot

Do you have Run As Administrator set? Is UAC disabled?

Interesting that this run it seemed to find two files in your Addon Scenery folder: RAS-AF2_WA36.BGL and RAS-AF2_WA38.BGL

Could you do a visual check and make sure the PF20 files are actually located in the same place with those two?

I'm concerned to see it still appears to be looking for the cfg file in Users\Doug\AppData\Roaming, even though you've specified ProgramData (could be a rights issue, not writing the registry)

Another thing to try is run the ClearAllSettings.exe program -- that will wipe all Plan-G entries from the registry.

Tim. @TimArnot


Those two files are in FSX/Addon Scenery/scenery ... in with some BearGulch bgl's (I'm thinking from Real Air Scout installation).  I've turned the UAC to the "off" (lowest) setting. Ran the ClearAllSettings.exe file.
and ...

Darn, not sure what did it in the moves I made. But for fun, I'm going to turn the UAC up a little and try again. If that doesn't hurt it, then the ClearAllSettings must have done it, Tim!  I'll try and let you know.  Thanks for wading into this one for me.  I am making all the Trip Tics for Return to Misty Fjords where we exclusively use PLAN-G throughout the site.  The other designers are doing nice flights from PAKT to "wherever" but basically at "altitude" so they don't run into things.  The trip tics I make, (and NOW the flight plans) are what I call LSD  .. Low, Slow, and Dangerous.  I fly at 1200 feet and figure out ways through the Misty Maze to get "from there to there."  So now I can offer an LSD Flt plan with the Trip Tics. 

Thank you VERY much ... great program, great support. Just can't ask for more.

Return to Misty Moorings

UPDATE ... I "upped" the UAC ... reran the database builder ... no problem. So it looks like the ClearAllSettings did the trick, Tim.