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Importing user waypoints

Started by ribitt, February 21, 2011, 10:28:23 PM

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I am suddenly unable to import user waypoints into the Plan-G data base. When I select all the appropriate boxes as I have done before, I get the message "Imported 0 of 18 records" plus the usual ding dong. Yes, the imported files from a couple of different sources are all .csv files.

Any advice? Thanks.


tim arnot

Look in the log file. It will contain details of why Plan-G did not import the csv file.

Tim. @TimArnot


Welcome back!!

The log just comes to an abrupt end. Sample attached. The only further thing is a window saying that 0 of 18 records have been imported.


tim arnot

Hmm. Could you upload the csv file please? I'll see if it goes wrong here too

Tim. @TimArnot


Thanks for your response. The csv file is attached.



I wasn't sure whether to start another thread but I have exactly the smae problem so I hope it's OK to continue this here.

I'm using 493 but I haven't been able to import any csv files into Plan-G, even with previous versions.  I wasn't too bothered about it before, hence not trying to sort it out until now.

The Plan-G log file lists the imports and doesn't show an error (see attached).

Any help would be appreciated.

tim arnot

Is this a file you are importing from here, or where did you get it? Can you upload it?

Tim. @TimArnot


Hello Tim,

I attach the 2 files that give some users above mentioned problems.(GrahamP)
I created them using your latest version 493.

I also did above mentioned csv file(ribitt): BC PNW Lighthouses.csv





To add to this, I tried adding a user waypoint by typing the information into the bottom line of Manage User Waypoints, taking care to type it exactly the same way as one that was already in there, with a slightly different name and slightly different position.  Once it was typed, I clicked OK.  I then checked through to see if it was still there but it was not created.  The only way I can add a user waypoint is to create one using the right mouse button.



I've done a little more probing, and I am away over my head on this stuff. While I am somewhat adept with Excel, I have never before delved into.csv files.

I think the original was prepared in Excel 2002 and saved in .csv. I read somewhere that there was a change in the .csv spec somewhat later.

I assume that regular Plan-G databas was prepared in Excel 2007 or 2010, and saved under the newer .cev spec., and for whatever reason there is a problem of compatibility.

I am quite ready to be shot down quickly on this theory!!




That spec looks interesting. Here's one clause I picked up on

"No general standard specification for CSV exists. Variations between CSV implementations in different programs are quite common and can lead to interoperation difficulties"



There is definitely a problem with the latest versions of Plan-G, I have tried importing .csv files with both version 492 and 493, neither works.

There is no problem with the CSV files, I have been using them for ages, to test just try UK_Obstacles.csv, it fails.



The fact that I can't add a user waypoint manually in Manage User Waypoints (see my previous post) makes me think it may not be the csv files that are the problem.