
Thou shalt confirm thine airspeed on final, lest the earth rise up and smite thee. (pre-landing checklist, v1)

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Plan G Problem on second PC

Started by markpodbery, March 03, 2011, 05:13:02 PM

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Trying to setup plan g on a networked PC, Plan G did the scenery build fine, it picked fsx install out etc.

However trying to link it up to FSX, plan g just keeps timing out and not connecting.

I have followed the instructions word for word I think, I have firewalls off, etc. Created the simconnect file. You will see I have tried by IP and also PC name.... so fustrating!!

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>
<SimBase.Document Type="SimConnect" version="1,0">


18:17:30.4 Starting Plan-G, build
18:17:30.4 OS is Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7600.0
18:17:31.2 Location is C:\TA Software\Plan-G v2
18:17:31.5 Window_Loaded
18:17:31.5 SetInitialControlStates
18:17:31.6 Checking DEM availability
18:17:31.6 FS9 is installed
18:17:31.6 FSX is installed
18:17:31.6 Checking FSX database built status
18:17:31.6 IsDataLoaded: True
18:17:31.6 Data Source = C:\TA Software\Plan-G v2\Data\PlanG_FSX.sdf
18:17:31.7 FSX database is built
18:17:31.7 Checking FS9 database built status
18:17:31.7 IsDataLoaded: False
18:17:31.7 Data Source = C:\TA Software\Plan-G v2\Data\PlanG_FS9.sdf
18:17:31.7 Setting ribbon group
18:17:31.7 Setting db button states
18:17:31.8 Selected data set is FSX
18:17:31.8 SetInitialControlStates done
18:17:31.8 SetTheme Blue
18:17:32.0 Checking Internet available
18:17:32.5 Setting MRU
18:17:32.5 Checking command line
18:17:32.5 Command line. Length = 1 args = C:\TA Software\Plan-G v2\PlanG.exe,
18:17:32.5 Opening map
18:17:32.6 Starting timers
18:17:32.6 Window_Loaded done
18:17:33.6  DEBUG: Aircraft
18:17:33.6 Clear all Airspace. (ClearAirspaceBoundaries)
18:17:33.7 =====>> PlotOverlayElements. N = 52.276560660606 s = 51.1569542701513 w = -2.7685546875 e = 0.19775390625 Zoom = 9
18:17:33.7 =====>> PlotOverlayElements. N = 52.276560660606 s = 51.1569542701513 w = -2.7685546875 e = 0.19775390625 Zoom = 9
18:17:33.7 --> Zoom Still
18:17:33.7 DrawFlightPlan. MoveMap = False nodes = 0
18:17:33.7 No plan - erasing line
18:17:34.2 PlotOverlayElements - starting plot
18:17:34.2   Airspace
18:17:34.2 GetAirspaceInBounds retrieved 41 boundaries
18:17:34.2 Plot ICAO Airspace. 41/0 boundaries
18:17:34.3   NDBs
18:17:34.4   VORs
18:17:34.5   Airports
18:17:35.1 GetAirportsInBounds retrieved 62 airports.
18:17:35.1 Plotting . 3/0 Large airports
18:17:35.1  DEBUG: plotLargeILS
18:17:35.3 Plotting . 41/0 Medium airports
18:17:35.9   ISECs
18:17:35.9   UWpts
18:17:35.9   done
18:17:35.9 DrawFlightPlan. MoveMap = False nodes = 0
18:17:35.9 No plan - erasing line
18:17:42.6 WxTimer_Tick
18:17:42.6 Checking for updates
18:17:43.3 RibbonButton_Click_ConnectFS
18:17:43.3 SimConnect.Connect
18:17:43.3 SimConnect.Connect - Remote. Mode = IPv4 Server = Port = 4506
18:18:03.3 SimConnect remote connection timed out
18:18:03.3 SimConnect.Disconnect
18:18:04.4  DEBUG: removeUserAircraft
18:18:04.4  DEBUG: removeAIAircraft
18:18:06.7  DEBUG: removeUserAircraft
18:18:06.7  DEBUG: removeAIAircraft
18:18:23.4 RibbonButton_Click_ConnectFS
18:18:23.4 SimConnect.Connect
18:18:23.4 SimConnect.Connect - Remote. Mode = IPv4 Server = archie-pc Port = 4506
18:18:43.4 SimConnect remote connection timed out
18:18:43.4 SimConnect.Disconnect
18:18:44.4  DEBUG: removeUserAircraft
18:18:44.4  DEBUG: removeAIAircraft

tim arnot

Can you ping that ip address from outside Plan-G?

Tim. @TimArnot


Hi Tim,

Yep I can ping it no problem, I dont know if you are supposed to be able to telnet to it telnet 4056 ? I cannot telnet to it, but maybe you can tell me if you can?

I am lost with it to be honest....

tim arnot

I know nothing of Telnet, I'm afraid. You certainly don't need it for Plan-G.

If your IP address is correct, and your simconnect.xml is in the correct place, and FSX is running, the only possible reason for a timeout is if Plan-G is being blocked by AV, firewall, security etc.

Tim. @TimArnot


I have no AV on either PC, windows defender disabled, can ping both machines from eachother, still will not work....................



Ian M has kindly been on the phone tonight, but still we have had no joy....

I had some other simconnect.xml files 1 in ASE, another in REx2, renamed in case.

As I said actually removed anti virus on both machines to test it....

