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Quick Axcess tool bar doesn't save

Started by ribitt, June 15, 2011, 02:41:55 PM

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The Quick Access toolbar in v2.0.5 is excellent!. Unfortunately when I exit Plan-G, the custom setup of the toolbar is not saved.

Is there a remedy for this that I have missed? Thanks.


tim arnot

You need to find a file called Fluent.Ribbon.State.2.0.xxxxxxxx (where xxxxxxxx is a variable sequence of letters and digits). It's in a hidden part of your hard drive known as "isolated storage", and where that is depends on your operating system. On XP its at <SYSTEMDRIVE>\Documents and Settings\<user>\Application Data on Vista/Win7 it's at <SYSTEMDRIVE>\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\

Once you find the file, delete it, and Plan-G will rebuild it next time.

Tim. @TimArnot


Thank you. That did the trick.
