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Unistalled and Re-installed - not working - unable to find c//google.html.

Started by artalvar55, July 27, 2011, 01:21:25 AM

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I've being using Plan-G since last year, by the way, a fantastic program. I left the application alone for several months (after updating it to the most recent version: it worked fine). Lately (a few days back), I started to experience some issues displaying the maps (extremely slowed and then "No-responding" MSG) and I had to close it down. So, today I decided to unistalled it (using the Control Panel: Programs) and reinstalling it again.

I downloaded and proceed to reinstall the app without success. I built the FSX DB, but unable to see any map at all.

I'd appreciate a further guidance to solve the issue. My system is VISTA.

Thanks and regards,



I've been having similar - and have also tried re-installing.  Its managed to crash some of my long flights . .   Anyway - on latest "not responding", I just left it and waited - and after a while, map appeared  - with all sorts of spidery lines all over - possibly routes.  so as a guess - I'd say - as Plan-G needs an internet connection - that there's a gremlin or worse on the server side - mapsources. When I say "or worse" possible hack attack . . and as no answer yet - that Tim is either away  - or beavering away . .

tim arnot

The spidery lines are probably airways - they can really drag you down if you're zoomed out. Best to leave them turned off unless you need them.

Tim. @TimArnot



Quote from: tim arnot on July 31, 2011, 03:11:29 PM
The spidery lines are probably airways - they can really drag you down if you're zoomed out. Best to leave them turned off unless you need them.

Probably a sort of de-cluttering could help (like Google Maps is able to do itself). It seems that some airports and other information are not always present on screen but this might be as well a consequence of computation delays.




Any idea Tim ??..still not working...and the same issues with Internet..




tim arnot

Tim. @TimArnot

tim arnot

There's nothing wrong showing in the log - it looks like its sending the data to google and just not returning.

Try running the ClearAllSettings app, and see if that sorts it out.

Tim. @TimArnot



Thanks Tim. What am I missing ??..I do not see that on my T-A Directory...



tim arnot

Do you have some sort of 'hide' option enabled? There are no programs visible at all there -- where is your plan-G.exe, for example?

Tim. @TimArnot



It is working now. I do not know what went wrong Tim. I did remove it and installed it again. It is one of those mysterious and inexplicable things that happen in VISTA. Honestly, I do not have a clue.

In any event, thanks for your help and support. It is a great application.


Art  :D