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Probleme open flight plan

Started by navion, October 28, 2009, 02:37:28 PM

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I have a problem when I try to open a "big" flight plan.
Start FSX, Plan-- 380. Then connect to FS.

When I want to open my plan nothing happend ... plan G freeze. I wait 3 minutes and closed PlanG

I have test same plan with plan G, 10 seconds to open this plan.

Have uncheck "display weather" and "update local " but same problem.

Is it because my flight plan is too big ?

Intel Q6600 - GeForce GTS250- XP sp3 - FS9 SP3 for IFR - FSX SP2 for VFR

tim arnot

There's no reason it shouldn't open. It took about 15 seconds on my PC - 5 to open the file and load the data, and 10 for google to draw it. Your log shows a similar time to open the file (6 seconds, 5 seconds), and no error coming back from google, so it should have sent you the rendered overlay.

Tim. @TimArnot



RĂ©install Plan-G
Build data FS9 & FSX

Start FS9 & Plan-G
Load plan - 5 seconds
connect - 11 seconds

Start FSX & plan-G
select data FSX
load plan - 11 seconds
connect  - 4 minutes

Mystery of computer  :'(

Intel Q6600 - GeForce GTS250- XP sp3 - FS9 SP3 for IFR - FSX SP2 for VFR

tim arnot

Have you defragged your hard drive recently?

Tim. @TimArnot


I'm using Tunes Up Utilities 2009 for computeur maintenance.

When I take a look to "plan G.log" file I see :
- FS9 = 1 second to load 10 airports weather
- FSX = 2 seconds to only load 1 airport weather. So with around 100 airport, time to load flight plan is around 3 or 4 minutes.

I have to cut this plan in 5 parts.

Another question  :D

I made a mistake and try to load a flight plan that I have delate in my PC ..... Plan G stopped.
I have a window in french "Plan G has found a problem and must stopped ......"
Is it a way to delate flight plan in window "recent flight plans" ?

Intel Q6600 - GeForce GTS250- XP sp3 - FS9 SP3 for IFR - FSX SP2 for VFR

tim arnot

Only by opening/saving more flight plans, till it drops off the bottom of the list.

And try to make sure you're connected to FSX using SimConnect - the weather interface is much better and faster than FSUIPC.

Tim. @TimArnot


I have check "auto" in window FS connection.

Intel Q6600 - GeForce GTS250- XP sp3 - FS9 SP3 for IFR - FSX SP2 for VFR

tim arnot

Your log shows you are connected with FSUIPC. You may have to change the Simconnect connection type to IPv6 or IPv4 if the default pipe can't connect.

Tim. @TimArnot