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Started by Quickshot, August 21, 2011, 09:27:47 PM

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As a new user of this software can I say upon first try out it is marvellous!

A couple of questions.

When I try to run it with the Flight 1 Mustang I get a "pop pop " noise in FSX? Similar to an old single cylinder motorcycle! Its not useable.  Other aircraft seem fine. ( 30 minutes use)

I have used the FSUIPC connection, the Simconnect was crashing FSX?

Is there any way to run this program with FSX in Full Screen? I am using it on a second monitor, as extended desktop ( W7, Nevada 277 drivers) it will only be visible with FSX in windowed mode.

PC= i7 960, 5 GB DDR 3, GTX 580 277 drivers, W7 Home Premium 64.

Best Regards

EDIT.  The problem with the F1 Mustang was due to the Plan G flight plan having a waypoint with too many numbers. By editing the WP to a simple format eg. Wig ( instead of 174g3345 ) the F1 Mustang FMS accepted the FSX saved plan!  Issue solved.

The Connection I reset to Auto and all seems well. No crashes!

A super add on! If I could get Plan G to run with FSX in a Full Window I would be very happy!  ;D 

tim arnot

Quote from: Quickshot on August 21, 2011, 09:27:47 PM
Is there any way to run this program with FSX in Full Screen? I am using it on a second monitor, as extended desktop ( W7, Nevada 277 drivers) it will only be visible with FSX in windowed mode.

No, this is not possible for any external add-on.

Tim. @TimArnot


Hi Tim, thanks for that. I thought I had read somewhere about a German guy who had a program that enabled it! Anyway, if you say not, thats fine.

I have a "V-sync force on" line in the FSX cfg, that makes windowed flight acceptable ( no screen tearing)

I am only at day two with the software so I am still learning.

It runs well now, even with a resource hog like the F1 Mustang ( provided you avoid long numbers in WP names :-[). Its nice to compile a flight plan in Plan g, save it to FSX, then have it load into the G1000 of the Mustang. Impressive. I will try it with my other resource eater the PMDG MD-11.

The program is a fine work. The manual alone is worth paying for, clear and concise. I will be contributing.

