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PlanG has encountered a problem and needs to close

Started by lonesomepilot, September 21, 2011, 09:01:14 PM

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I install plan-G on a other PC (client) than the PC where I run FSX (server).
I can connect properly plan-G with FSX with respect to the initialization of G-plan: base FSX.
I can also save a flight plan in the right directory of the game (server).

I can connect to FSX as I'm on the preparation page for my free flight... BUT, as soon as I press the button "take-off" my plan-G on my "client" PC crashes with a message "Plan-G has stopped working ...." !

Have you ever experience this problem? can you help me?

thank you

tim arnot

I'm not sure I know what a "take off button" is. Can you upload the log.

Tim. @TimArnot

tim arnot

Tim. @TimArnot