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Suggestions (Plan, Weather, Aircraft)

Started by pilotjohn, December 03, 2011, 04:16:57 PM

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Would it be possible to remember the column ordering and/or disable columns of the Plan section? Each time I launch Plan-G I have to re-order the columns to my prefered selection. Specifically, I don't ever want to see the long name of a waypoint so I always drag it away.

Can the weather section include an area in options to permanently set the units? The mixing of units is not very useful, especially since the visibilities always seem to be in meters and kilometers which are useless here in the US. Also, there are empty columns for winds aloft. Can these be turned off, so that the weather tables show only the columns where there's at least one entry on some row?

Lastly, some simple aircraft profiles would be nice. It would useful to be able to define flight profiles both based on climb/cruise/descent (IAS/VS for each, or average TAS) or an hourly mode (e.g. 200 KTAS first hour, 250 KTAS 2nd hour, 300 KTAS 3rd hour and on).

The first two suggestions are more important to me than the aircraft profiles. I donated once already, but would be glad to donate another few dollars to get these features included in the next release, especially since Plan-G is something I almost alway use.