Plan-G Version V 2.05 Build 493 suddenly not working anymore

Started by BravoDelta, April 15, 2012, 09:36:49 AM

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I'm new to this forum and I would like to tell you that english isn't my native language.
First of all I want to thank you for the awesome Plan-G.

I've being working with Plan-G for a long time.  It was always working as it should to do.
But suddenly it stopped working. Never more I was able to start Plan-G to get it working.
After I've used the repair function unsuccessfully and did make a fresh install (after I've used "ClearAllSettings.exe" and did a complete uninstallation of the proggi) I can't get it working ...  :'(
It stopped always after a short initializing phase with an error shown in the picture appended.
Furthermore there are two log-files, the first "Plan-G_Log.txt" and the second after the first renamed to "" and then tried to start Plan-G again.

I'm using Plan-G with network configuration and WinXP SP3 (32-bit), german version on the client computer.
Server is a Win7 (64-bit) computer with installed FSX and FS9 (FS9 was never used with Plan-G).
Plan-G Version is V 2.05 Build 493


Have you tried to call by double click an existing Plan-G flight plan? Probably the program kills itself by tumbling over a somewhere stored application window setting that contains something (an overlay?) causing the crash.

If you did not change your computer configuration before it happened (e.g. installing or de-installing software) you might consider to restore an old setup. As you are using a German Windows you may want to look here: "Systemsteuerung\Alle Systemsteuerungselemente\Wiederherstellung". Sometimes it helps.



Hi Axel,

thank you very much for your reply.

I have doubleclicked on the existing Plan-G default flightplans without success. The behaviour of the application is the same as before.

In the application event list there appears an error which refers to '.NET Runtime'. I did append the message at the bottom of this post.

I did a system recovery with a restore point about 2 month ago but then there were other error messages concerning script errors or missing files. I couldn't manage to run Plan-G in that recovered mode.
So I decided to roll back the system recovery.

Further help would be very appreciated ...

Best regards,

tim arnot

It could be a corrupt database maybe. The log shows you have FSX built but not FS9, so try this:

1. Note down the name of the FSX data file (it will be much bigger than the FS9 one)
2. Delete the FSX data fie
3. Copy the FS9 data file to the name you noted in 1.

You'll need to rebuild the database when you start PG, but it could (hopefully) fix your problem.

Tim. @TimArnot



thank you very much for your help. I followed your hints as described but with no success.

The strange behaviour is the same as before.
I'm not able to (re)build the database because PG stops before reaching the point where to build the databases. It stops immediately after showing the splash screen or initial screen (sometimes PG is showing the main screen for the first start, i.e. the data build screen, for a very short time).
This means that I'm not able to do any inputs ...

Best reagrds,

tim arnot

Going back to an earlier Restore Point, or reinstalling DotNet is about the only other things I can suggest. Something has become corrupted on your PC, but I have no idea what.

Tim. @TimArnot


Success ... all is working again.

I did these steps:

1. using "ClearAllSettings.exe" of Plan-G (there remained some entries of Plan-G in the registry after using this tool  ;))
2. deinstalling Plan-G
3. deinstalling Netframework 4 Client
4. System restart
5. using CCleaner to remove the left-over entries from the registry
6. System restart
7. New installation of Netframework 4 Client
8. System restart
9. New installation of Plan-G

After installation of Plan-G I was able to build up new databases (FS9 and FSX) and the program seems to work properly ...

Thanks a lot again, Axel and Tim !  :08:

With kindest regards,