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simconnect, once again

Started by k6062k, November 10, 2009, 12:56:45 AM

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Thank you for this excellent program!

Step by step I discover all the functions in Plan-G, can we get a little manual for Christmas, please?

But, I am having trouble connecting Plan-G to FSX with simconnect!
My Installation: Deluxe edition of FSX-SP1-SP2, SDK with SP 1a, .NET 3.5-SP1, everything works fine.
Your post in -Frequently Asked Questions- couldn't help me, I get the error message:

Unable to connect to Flight Simulator. (Is FS running?) If you are using FS9,check you have FSUIPC installed. Please see the log for more details.

Where I can find this log for more details?

The connection is possible only with FSUIPC (very slowly!), connected with: Options\FS Connection\Auto or FSUIPC
The connection with Options\FS Connection\SimConnect doesn't work.

Note: I have running Real Environment Xtreme via simconnect with no issues (since Version 2, great trouble before!)

Can you help me please?

from Cologne


Hi, Klaus, welcome aboard!

These are the ways that you can connect to FSX via SimConnect, and how to achieve them.

Note: Set 'Connect With' to SimConnect, to force a SimConnect connection.


1. Default Connection
Network Mode:   ignored
FSX Computer:   localhost or
Server Port/Pipe:   ignored
2. Named Pipe
Network Mode:   Pipe
FSX Computer:   leave blank
Server Port/Pipe:   leave blank
3. IPv6 (Note: Requires IPv6 installed separately if running XP)
Network Mode:   IPv6
FSX Computer:   leave blank
Server Port/Pipe:   0
4. IPv4
Network Mode:   IPv4
FSX Computer:   leave blank
Server Port/Pipe:   0

- Jeff Schallenberg
Mont Saint Hilaire, Québec
FSX SP2, Windows 7, AMD FX-62, Nvidia GTX550ti

tim arnot

Jeff and Peter have been doing great work with the manual, and we're hoping to be able to incude it with the next software update, which is scheduled for the weekend.  :)

Tim. @TimArnot


Quote from: k6062k on November 10, 2009, 12:56:45 AM
Please see the log for more details.

Where I can find this log for more details?

Sorry, Klaus, I neglected to mention - the log file is "Plan-G_log.txt", in the Plan-G directory. Look for a line like this:
5:45:05 PM RibbonButton_Click_ConnectFS
5:45:05 PM FSUIPC.Connect
5:45:13 PM  DEBUG: Building encoded trail
5:45:13 PM Nearest WX to LAT 47.0090178259312 LON -121.532077248483: KSMP&A1207 092138Z 01100KT&D596NG 010V011 01100KT&A-293NG 011V011 01100KT&A621NG 01100KT&A1536NG 01100KT&A2450NG 01100KT&A4279NG 01100KT&A6108NG 01100KT&A7937NG 01100KT&A9156NG 01100KT&A10680NG 100KM&B-2707&D6072 CLR 15/05 03/-6&A621 -2/-12&A1536 -8/-18&A2450 -20/-30&A4279 -32/-42&A6108 -44/-54&A7937 -52/-62&A9156 -56/-66&A10680 Q1013 @@@ 30 9 11 0 | 60 3 11 0 | 90 -2 11 0 | 120 -8 11 0 | 180 -20 11 0 | 240 -32 11 0 | 300 -44 11 0 | 340 -52 11 0 | 390 -56 11 0 |
5:45:14 PM New AI: ARCHER N?1SPN

Let us know how you make out!

- Jeff
FSX SP2, Windows 7, AMD FX-62, Nvidia GTX550ti


Hi Tim, Hi Jeff,

I am very impressed about the first class support!

Thank you very much for your high speed replays!

The connection to FSX with simconnect works fine now with setting No. 4 from your list:

Network Mode:    IPv4
FSX Computer:     leave blank
Server Port/Pipe:  0

Setting No.1, No.2 and No.3 brought me the error message back!

In the .txt-file I can read this:

before setting No.4:
   bei System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
   bei System.IO.Pipes.NamedPipeClientStream.Connect(Int32 timeout)
   bei BeatlesBlog.SimConnect.SimConnect.Networking.Connect()
   --- Ende der internen Ausnahmestapelüberwachung ---
   bei BeatlesBlog.SimConnect.SimConnect.Networking.Connect()
   bei BeatlesBlog.SimConnect.SimConnect.OpenCommon(String strAppName)
   bei BeatlesBlog.SimConnect.SimConnect.Open(String strAppName, String strHostName, String strPipeName)
   bei BeatlesBlog.SimConnect.SimConnect.Open(String strAppName)
   bei FS._SimConnect.Connect()
00:41:02 RibbonButton_Click_ConnectFS
00:41:02 SimConnect.Connect
00:41:02 SimConnect.Connect - Remote. Mode = Pipe Server =  Port =
00:41:02 SimConnect Connect failed: BeatlesBlog.SimConnect.SimConnect+SimConnectException: Pipe Connection Failed ---> System.IO.IOException: Verbindung wurde nicht hergestellt, weil ein identischer Name bereits im Netzwerk vorhanden ist. Wählen Sie "System" in der Systemsteuerung, um den Computernamen zu ändern, und versuchen Sie es erneut.

with setting No.4:
   bei FS._SimConnect.Connect()
00:42:09 RibbonButton_Click_ConnectFS
00:42:09 SimConnect.Connect
00:42:09 SimConnect.Connect - Remote. Mode = IPv4 Server =  Port = 0
00:42:09 Connected to FSX
00:42:12  DEBUG: Building encoded trail

Please can you explain me shortly this following message in the .txt-file:

01:03:53 RibbonButton_Click_DisconnectFS
01:03:53 SimConnect.Disconnect
01:03:54  DEBUG: removeAircraftOverlays
01:03:54  DEBUG: removeAIAircraft Mkr error. i= 1 error = [object Error]
01:03:54  DEBUG: removeAIAircraft Mkr error. i= 2 error = [object Error]
01:03:54  DEBUG: removeAIAircraft Mkr error. i= 7 error = [object Error]
01:03:54  DEBUG: removeAIAircraft Mkr error. i= 24 error = [object Error]
01:03:54  DEBUG: removeAIAircraft Mkr error. i= 27 error = [object Error]
01:03:54  DEBUG: removeAIAircraft Mkr error. i= 56 error = [object Error]

At last for today and very important for me:

Is it possible to change the standard browser connection path in plan-g from the MS internet explorer to firefox?

Thanks a lot for your fantastic work!

Best regards from Cologne



Quote from: k6062k on November 11, 2009, 11:19:34 PM
Is it possible to change the standard browser connection path in plan-g from the MS internet explorer to firefox?

Hi again Klaus! I'm glad you got connected!

Tim Arnot can surely give a better answer, but as I understand it, Plan-G incorporates within it hooks to a web browser that is 99% likely to be installed on ALL Windows machines, can you guess WHICH browser? It is only the basic browser functions that are called, so the ability to change those library calls would not change the performance of Plan-G.

Can you live with library calls to MSIE functions?

- Jeff
FSX SP2, Windows 7, AMD FX-62, Nvidia GTX550ti

tim arnot

Right now, Internet Explorer is the only game in town. A Firefox control that can be embedded was released in October, but it's still in Alpha, and quite buggy.

BTW, we will also be producing German and French versions of the manual, although the English version will be available first. I'm also looking at what is involved in producing a 'language pack' for the program itself in the future.

Tim. @TimArnot


Hi Tim.

Sorry to bump a really old thread but is there any progress with the Firefox control that could warrant you looking at it?  I'm finding the IE's performance when trying to create flight plans pretty ropey at times and would prefer an option not to use IE (I also find this when using IE as a browser - it sucks...).

tim arnot

Tim. @TimArnot
