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Terrain Map in Version 3

Started by jwkz, August 01, 2012, 12:05:13 AM

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As near as I can tell from their website, OpenStreetMaps does not have a terrain mapping option like Google Maps.  If so, Version 3 will be losing one of the most useful features of Plan-G for low-altitude VFR operations.

Is this correct, and if so will V2 still be operable after V3 comes out?



That's what it says in the manual, it is not available.

Although I don't get why it doesn't have it, when I change the map mode on openstreetmap to "Cycle Map" I get terrain features.  ???

tim arnot

V2 will continue to work unless google pulls the plug on it.

The best thing to do is lobby CloudMade and Mapquest (the main public OSM server providers to app developers) to provide terrain shading options. As has been mentioned, it is possible, since OpenCycleMap does it, but so far such pleas have fallen on deaf ears. OpenCycleMap is a private enterprise and they wouldn't appreciate 60,000-odd Plan-G users descending on their one server.

Google Maps is not an option for ongoing development, for icensing reasons.

Tim. @TimArnot


Thanks, Tim.  I will add my lone voice to the lobbying effort, for what it's worth.

I much appreciate your efforts with Plan-G and would hate to see it lose functionality.



Well looks like it be will be v2 for me also as the terrain mapping feature is the main reason I use Plan-G.  I would more than happy for Plan-G to go payware if this would assist in resolving licensing issues that are taking the shine off v3.



Like other users I too would appreciate terrain mapping Tim.

I know nothing about software developement or what's involved in adding terrain mapping but came across this while searching for solutions

I'm sure you've already explored all avenues but just in case this slipped through the net.



This new version is going to take some getting used to.  First off, there are smaller airports missing in V3 even with the added option for farm strips (Example 5CO7).  The map systems are inferior to V2.  I don't know.  You work hard my friend.  I'm sorry you had to compromise to keep this thing going.

tim arnot

It does have the advantage of being standards-based, so that as new TMS and WMS providers come online, they can be easily integrated, and 3.1 will hopefully include a 'User' provider that you can point at your own tile server if you're so inclined. Then you can style your own maps to your heart's content.

BTW, there should be no airports missing in v3, since all data comes from FS/X-P and user waypoint files.

Tim. @TimArnot


Version 3.0.

Apart from the missing Google Terrain Maps, which is a real shame, the other BIG disappointment for me, is that there are still no indications of the "Fuel Pump Locations", (a la FS Navigator), where they exist, in the Airfield Maps, for the FS 2004 Version. (I haven tried the FSX version yet).

Paul...FS 2004.....(and FSX on rare occasions)... 8)...!
Win 8.1 64-bit. DX11. Advent Tower. Intel i7-3770 3.9 GHz 8-core. 8 GB System RAM. AMD Radeon HD 7700 1GB RAM. DVD ROM. 2 Terra Byte SATA Hard Drive. Philips 17" LCD Monitor. Saitek Cyborg X Fly-5 Joystick. ...and a Briggs and Stratton Petrol Lawn Mower.


Quote from: tim arnot on August 17, 2012, 10:19:31 AM
It does have the advantage of being standards-based, so that as new TMS and WMS providers come online, they can be easily integrated, and 3.1 will hopefully include a 'User' provider that you can point at your own tile server if you're so inclined. Then you can style your own maps to your heart's content.

BTW, there should be no airports missing in v3, since all data comes from FS/X-P and user waypoint files.

Those are some good points.  Thanks.


I just want to say that I am very satisfied with the OpenCycleMap mapping option. If overuse it is a concern I would gladly pay them a reasonable fee to use their service (the same goes for Plan-G itself, for that matter). Perhaps mapped licences is something that could be included in the settings, like allowing the user to enter some kind of key for a service?

tim arnot

Fozzer, give it a rest. You were told that would be on the list for 3.1. There's no need to keep sniping.

Tim. @TimArnot

tim arnot

Quote from: kolaf on August 18, 2012, 06:27:32 AM
I just want to say that I am very satisfied with the OpenCycleMap mapping option. If overuse it is a concern I would gladly pay them a reasonable fee to use their service (the same goes for Plan-G itself, for that matter). Perhaps mapped licences is something that could be included in the settings, like allowing the user to enter some kind of key for a service?

The problem there is that what is "reasonable" to you and me, and what is "reasonable" to google are miles apart. There simply isn't a business model that can sustain google's fees (I spent a long time looking for one). The best we can hope for is that enough people use v3 that those that want to continue with v2 can do so and not hit Google's threshold.

Believe me, I'm as sad as anyone to lose the google terrain map.

Tim. @TimArnot


Anyone wanting to map route terrain can do so in seconds using GE's show elevation profile.  It is especially useful if you have a second Windows or Mac computer close by. 

For those who don't know how to do this, use the ruler to draw a line between your Departure and Destination airfields in GE. Give the line a name and save it.  Go to places on left side menu and find the route you have saved.  Right click and select 'show elevation profile'.  Use the slider to move along the route and note peaks etc.  It's a fast, accurate and easy way to determine MSA at any point on the route.  Takes about 60 seconds. A disadvantage is that the ruler only draws a single straight line. If you have to deviate because of weather the GE route line cannot be edited like the flightplan in Plan_G v.2.   

I guess most all of you good folks know about this, but I post for the others. 



You can use path instead of ruler too.