
Thou shalt confirm thine airspeed on final, lest the earth rise up and smite thee. (pre-landing checklist, v1)

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loading a pln g flight plan into fsx

Started by hawkeye2010, August 06, 2012, 01:32:54 AM

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I'm a newbie at plan g but i have watched a you tube tutorial on how to use it . the problem i have is when i go and load the flight plan i just made in plan g it doesn't show my way points it just shows a straight line  from departure and the arrival.


You have to save your plan made in Plan-G also in fs version. It has to be in manual for Plan-G, so, please, read it... ;)


simply export it in the fsx format wherever you want it on your hd.


I have exactly the same problem as Hawkeye. I sure export the flightplan created in Plan-G to FSX in the appropriate format (.pln)
When I then load the plan with Flightplanner the result is a straight line because it creates a plan on the basis of GPS.

Any help appreciated