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User Waypoints Not Working

Started by macosmotic, September 28, 2012, 11:12:21 AM

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Hi Tim & Readers. Thanks for the beautiful and extremely useful software! Unfortunately I have a problem which limits my planning - I can't create user waypoints. This is true for both version 2.05 and 3.0. The process seems straightforward; the appropriate window appears and my user data (type, name, ID etc.) can be entered, but after I press 'OK', the waypoint doesn't appear either on screen or in the User Database. Very likely this is something to do with my PC and its XP installation, but I haven't a clue as to what could be wrong. Although the computer's specs are a bit ordinary for FSX, it does run tolerably well if I don't run both complex scenery (e.g. Orbx) and sophisticated aircraft (e.g. PMDG) simultaneously. FS9 and other applications run well. Anything I can try? I'm sorry if I missed it, but I couldn't find anything here about my problem. Thanks in advance for any suggestions. From Ian, in Australia.

sky one

Hi Ian,

could you try to import some user waypoint from this section?
Just to check that your user DB is working well (you can always delete user waypoint, so don't worry about importing waypoints you'll never use).

X-plane user


Cristiano - thanks for replying to my post, for thinking about the problem, and for the suggestion you made. I will try the import as you suggest, and get back to report what I find. I apologise for the delay in acknowledging your help.  I only just got back to this forum.
Ciao, Cristiano!

Kind regards, Ian. (Australia)


Hi Again Cristiano,

I have followed your suggestion and imported the Italy VFR data from the .CSV file kindly uploaded by RosarioManzo.  Although I have not done this procedure before, it all seemed to go smoothly. The User Database now contains many Italian VFR reporting points which I assume were not already there. Anyway, as the Import process ended, there was a message saying '390 of 390 VFR RP's were installed' - or something like that.

That suggests that my User Database is working. So I can't understand why the User Waypoints I enter through Plan-G and my keyboard do not appear. Do you have any further thoughts? It seems very strange!

Thanks again for your help. Anyway, now maybe I can try flying (maybe a SIAI Marchetti or a Partenavia or something!) around Italy!
(Before I have only planned flights to and from the big airports in Roma and Milano.)

Ciao, Cristiano.

From Ian, near YBCG, Australia.

tim arnot

Is it a display issue? When you restart Plan-G, does the waypoint appear?

If not, please check the log to see if there is an error reported.

Tim. @TimArnot


Hi Tim, Cristiano & Readers. Thanks, Tim, for looking in to this. Yes, if I understand you correctly, this glitch might be at least partly display related as indeed my User Waypoints now appear after I restart 'Plan-G' (in the case of V3).  And after installing the Italian waypoints as suggested by Cristiano, my own waypoints are appearing immediately in V2. Perhaps they were previously appearing after a restart of V2, but I didn't notice; I would only see them if I returned to the same airspace, which quite possibly I did not do. Having assumed that I'd failed to get the User data incorporated into the Database, I might well have missed seeing them. But as a restart of V3 is still required before I can see the new waypoints therein, does this point to some graphics driver / video memory problem? Could it be related to the fact that although my PC runs FSX tolerably well provided I don't tax it with both complex scenery and payware aircraft, there is an odd (quite long, e.g. 30secs) delay to menu commands. It's as though there's a delay loop running when I (say) click to load an aircraft or change the fuel / payload settings. Once loaded, the flying is acceptable where it should be. I don't think, however, that the waypoints are delayed in appearing in V3; they just don't turn up at all until I reboot. Does this mean anything to you? Sorry to cause trouble, Tim, and thanks again for the beautiful software.