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Aircraft Position Stops Updating

Started by zachlog, December 30, 2012, 05:39:32 PM

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I use Simconnect to connect to the PC running FSX from my Plan-G laptop, no problem.  However, after the position of the aircratf is updated a few times, the aircraft ceases to update and it continues to display on the map.  Using the default 5 sec update interval.  I can reconnect by doing Disconnect/Connect but obviously I cannot be doing this every couple of minutes.  I had the same problem with Plan-G v2.0.5.493 and thought upgrading to (current version) would solve the problem but it did not.  Plan-G laptop is W7 and Plan-G was installed and runs with Administrator privileges.  Any ideas on how fix this problem.

tim arnot

Is there anything in the log to indicate an error or other problem?

Tim. @TimArnot


I have never looked at the log....where do I find it ?


tim arnot

Tim. @TimArnot



I tried it again and of course now it worked......the aircraft's position is updating as expected.  I will post again if the problems recurs.  I have two questions though:
1. Can the updating of the aircraft position's (i.e., the problem I described in this post) be impacted by the FSX filght plan (*.PLN file) ?
2. Looking at the Plan-G log of the test I just ran, there is a ton of these entries: "12:07:08.6 DrawFlightplanMarker: False".  Is this a problem ?

Thanks and Happy New Year,

tim arnot

1. No. There's no link.
2. No, that's just debug info that's probably redundant now. Sometime I'll go and clear out some of the junk messages that still get written...

Tim. @TimArnot


I get this too when using Simconnect.  At the start the plane updates but after about 10 minutes it freezes.




The aircraft position stopped updating today and it happened multiple times.  I don't see anything in the log that would indicate there is an error but then I am attaching the Plan-G log if you want to give it a look.



I made a 95 min flight in Canada tonight in an addon plane, FSX, using Plan_G on a client and Simconnect.  Everything worked fine.  Position updated every few seconds. 




I too have had several flights without position update problems but occasionally on some flights the aricraft's position just stops updating (per my initial post at the top) so fixing these intermittent failures is the challenge.  These failures seem to be random, no discernable pattern.



For the first time I had the same behavior.

I am already parked and PlanG still shows my approch to the ILS.

Hope it helps
Emile EBBR Asus P7P67 Pro v3, Intel 1155 3.4 GH, Cordair DDR3 8Gb,PCX Nvidia 950 ti,PCX Nvidia 1150 ti,
SSD 120Gb, 2 x 1 Tera SATA6, Dual Boot .

tim arnot

Yes, I can see the reporting in the log stops, but there's no indication of why. The easiest way to kick it back into life is probably to disconnect and re-connect.

Tim. @TimArnot


Yes, dis-connect an re-connect is the solution.
Emile EBBR Asus P7P67 Pro v3, Intel 1155 3.4 GH, Cordair DDR3 8Gb,PCX Nvidia 950 ti,PCX Nvidia 1150 ti,
SSD 120Gb, 2 x 1 Tera SATA6, Dual Boot .



Per my original post in this post, connect/disconnect re-enables position updating but this is only a "solution" if the position stops updating infrequently.  If it happens every couple of minutes in a 3-hour flight, this feature becomes unusable.

Having said this, after doing a few more flights the last couple of days, I am seeing a pattern developing for this problem.  The pattern is that the problem seems to occur when connected in "Sync" mode.  In my last two flights, I remained connected in "Free" mode and the problem did not occur.  In the same flights, when I switched to "Sync" mode, ran fine for about a couple of minutes then the posiiton stopped updating.  After doing a few more flights, I will let you know if this pattern continues to hold.



After many flights, the problem seems to occur when the PC running Plan-G is connected to the network wirelessly.  When using a wired connection, the problem does not occur.  It's a bit strange since the wireless signal is always 90%+ and I never had a wireless connection drop/disconnect.  However, the results are what they are so it's wired communications moving forward when using Plan-G.
