
Thou shalt confirm thine airspeed on final, lest the earth rise up and smite thee. (pre-landing checklist, v1)

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Viewing Centers

Started by SirStiggie, January 21, 2013, 05:40:59 PM

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I am having this issue as well, with the latest build. I see traffic, towers and ground, as well as ATIS but no centers at all. Win7 64 Bit Plan G Ver

tim arnot

There are several centres online and clearly showing right now in the US and South America.

Tim. @TimArnot


I know, I can see them in the list, but not in the map view. Do I have to use a particular map provider? I have attached a screen shot of the Texas area. FTW center shows in the list but not on the map. Thanks for the super fast response!

tim arnot

Try zooming out so the CTR boundaries should be showing - maybe you can't see it if you're wholly inside the CTR (just a thought)

Tim. @TimArnot

tim arnot

The fact that you can see aircraft, TWR positions and APP positions means you *should* see CTR positions, since they are all drawn in the same code block... (they are big and blue!)

Tim. @TimArnot


Big and Blue!! I wish I could see them :) Thanks for helping sir, I am uploading my log file. I have tried from zoom level 1 down to zoom level 11 and I just cant see it. I also will upload another screenshot at zoom level 5 and the list. Even if this never works for me it don't matter, this is still one of the best free software's out there! I donated from my business name... CCSComputers so please keep up the good work sir !!


Here is a second screenshot at zoom level 5. ATL centre and FTW both show in the list but not in the map. Thanks again!

tim arnot

There's definitely an error showing in your log. I'll look into it tomorrow - it's after midnight here and I have an early start in the morning.

Tim. @TimArnot

Major Dixie

Ist her any update about this Problem ? Tim could you solve it ?
Br ralf

tim arnot

Is it still a problem in 3.0.7? If so, I'll take another look.

Tim. @TimArnot

Major Dixie

Dear Tim
Also ib the latest versio I can see only approche frequencies and the ring about the Airport,nothing more.

Major Dixie

Dear Tim
Also a list shown in post #17 I cannot see. I'm using xplan but it should be Independenz from sim.
isn't it

tim arnot

Yes, the centres display is unrelated to the sim, as it's purely derived from vector data (courtesy of ServInfo)

Tim. @TimArnot

Major Dixie

Hello Tim
Happy new year.
I know could find the table of TC and pilots but stil now ATC area shown on the map.
Any idea ?