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Not picking up online traffic

Started by mhl, November 20, 2009, 11:06:46 AM

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Maybe something wrong with my configuration of 0.8.1 but it does not display other online (IVAO) traffic.  FSX AI traffic shows OK though.

Any suggestions?

tim arnot

Is that IVAO traffic visible within FS? Can you select it from the View menu drop down?

I'm not too familiar with IVAO, but it certainly sees VATSIM traffic, and I've no reason to expect it not to see IVAO. Don't forget the traffic needs to be within the range you have specified in Options.

Finally are you connecting to FS via SimConnect or FSUIPC? And if FSUIPC, is it FSX or FS9?

Tim. @TimArnot



Yes, traffic is visible in FSX.  I didn't check the View menu - will do next time.

Plan-G connects to FSX from my laptop (LAN) via SimConnect but, if I choose to run it on the FS machine instead, it connects via FSUIPC (that's another question - why not the same protocol in both cases?).  But regardless of whether Plan-G is running locally or over the LAN, it doesn't pick up the IVAO traffic - which was certainly within the range which I have specified.

tim arnot

If it won't connect locally with Simconnect, try setting the protocol to IPv4 or IPv6. Set the IP address to blank and the port number to 0 in the options dialog.

Tim. @TimArnot



Thanks - I got the local connection on to SimConnect.  But - back to my original question about IVAO traffic not showing up.  I did a test online with three other Plan-G / IVAO users this evening and it looks to be a version-related glitch.  The two users with 0.8.1 (I was one, Frank Turley the other) could not see the others (or indeed any IVAO traffic), but the two using 0.8.0 could.  I changed to 0.8.0 and - hey presto - the other traffic became visible.  Range was rather less than the settings suggested - around 20 nm, although set at 100 km.



We've just completed a test IVAO session with 5 users at a single location.

I was using version 389, and I could only see one red symbol on my screen. Others using version 380 could see 4 red symbols, but when they switched to later versions they got just the one.

Interestingly I also had the traffic list displayed, this just displayed the one aircraft, although it occassionally flickered to show a second aircraft, but this was a duplicate of the first.

I'm guessing something changed after 380?


tim arnot

Is this connected with SimConnect or FSUIPC?

Tim. @TimArnot


I would point out, that in the IVAO configuration (this needs to be done without FS running), there is a range setting, this should be set to max 40nm.

On my machine, start/all programs/ivao/ivap-IVAO Virtual Pilot(either blank or V2-depending on FS9 or FSX)/Ivap (v2) Configuration/Performance Tuning, and set the visibility range to max.

The max range then seems to be 40nm on PG, at least they seem to drop off around that point.



Quote from: tim arnot on November 24, 2009, 03:23:32 PM
Is this connected with SimConnect or FSUIPC?
Tim - in my case (and I was one of Frank T's test session) it was with SimConnect.

tim arnot

Hmm. I was expecting you to say FSUIPC, since that has had changes to the AI range code between 0.8 and 0.81. But SimConnect is unchanged.

Tim. @TimArnot


I am also getting this problem of not having reliable pickup of online traffic.
Am running FSX and using SimConnect with IPV4 as the protocol.
It has started happening for me with the latest 389 build. 388 did not exhibit this problem.

I am running UKVGA (gliding) launch points with up to about 8 players in the local area (within 1nm) and running on VATSIM. It can come and go and I did notice last night that at one point when a person disconnected from VATSIM, another person suddenly popped up. The aircraft that are missing do not show up in the traffic display either.

It is usually "better" when I restart Plan-G but not reliably so and players will still be missing.
Next launch point duty is tomorrow, so will try going backwards and forwards between 388 and 389 to see if I can see any pattern to the problem.
All the best

tim arnot

The only changes between 388 and 389 are opening FS9 flight plans and an interaction with one of the Google Map buttons. There is no change to any Simconnect code.

I think you are going to have to run Traffic Explorer to discover the difference between traffic tha is shown and traffic that is not. My thought here is that one of the fields that Plan-G looks for to determine that an AI aircraft is valid (and not, say, a boat), isn't being filled in.

Tim. @TimArnot


Errr. Tim,
Many apologies. I got some info wrong.

The build that does work is
The build that does not show all traffic is

Many apologies for getting that wrong.
Will be testing out tonight.

tim arnot

Eh? That's what you said before. See my comment above though -- I think you'll need to get some data from Traffic Explorer if we're going to progress.

Tim. @TimArnot


Hi Tim,
I originally said I had used build 388, not 380? I suspect there are many more changes between 389 and 380 than between 389 and 388?

Traffic Explorer did not show any difference in aircraft info between players who displayed and those who did not.
Should I just give you the info from Traffic Explorer? Most of it is blank. Half wingspan is generally 9m since we are using gliders. I have to say I only looked for differences between displayed and non-displayed a/c. Then when there werent any I didnt log more info. Apologies. definitely works ok. does not.
Other folks had the same problem so we went back to

What I do notice is that with 0.8.0 the aircraft heading will not change if you just rotate the aircraft with slew. You have to move it fwd/back/left/right to get it to update the heading as well.

I notice that 0.8.1 does update the aircraft heading if you just rotate on the spot. Nice.
Thanks for all the hard work. Its a good tool.