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Google map display in FSX

Started by lostpete, February 16, 2013, 03:19:47 PM

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Hello Folks - First off I need to say what a splendid program Plan-G is  - I have been a FS/FSX fan for many years and this is by far the best 'add-on' to the enjoyment and very educational - But please could I ask for a little help from anyone  - I have FSX running on Win 7 /64 - also have Plan-G on the same machine but in its own folder out of the 'program files folder

Both work very very well except that try as I may I can only have a detailed chart type Plan-G - I notice that in the example screenshots the display is of Goggle Maps type display with the little 'option' buttons at the top RHS - I cannot get these to show in any way - Soooooooooooo  What am I doing wrong  - Any help appreciated - Thanks  Pete

sky one

The "example" screenshot is from Plan-G v2. In Plan-G v3 Google's map is no more available, due to Google's license policy (check in the forum for more information).
X-plane user

tim arnot

Yes, it's my fault for not getting new screenshots on the site. But I'll get to it soon, really I will...

Tim. @TimArnot


Thanks all for the replies - Pity about that it would have been nice to see the 'satellite' view  - Thanks again for the program