
Thou shalt confirm thine airspeed on final, lest the earth rise up and smite thee. (pre-landing checklist, v1)

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PlanG font

Started by 0Artur0, March 18, 2013, 11:13:50 AM

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Plan-G is what I use regularly for my GA flights. I just love it!
But I must admit... I'm still using v2 because v3 has, for me, very unappropriate (by that I mean ugly and unreadable) UI font  - looks like Comic sans.. if it is, check this out please.. .
That's just my personal opinion.


You can change the font easily by finding the hidden folder and file Ex. WIN7 - C:\Users\"YOUR ACCOUNT NAME"\AppData\Local\TA_Software\Plan-G3.exe_Url_"32 random letters/numbers"\"Current Version"\user.config . Note there may be more than one folder, just select the newest. Once found open up the config file in notepad and modify the font setting (around line 50) with the one you would like. Save and run Plan-G. It may be a good idea to create a shortcut to this file so it is easy to find if wanting to try different fonts.



I didn't know that. Thanks, now I can start using v3!   :D


Cool - If your system has it installed, I happen to like "Arial Rounded MT Bold" - Just a recommendation tis all.


tim arnot

It was a little thing to check the localisation had worked - any text that went through the localisation engine was rendered in that font. I just never remembered to turn it off!

It's easy enough to change in the config though, if you don't like it, as Roman pointed out. :)

Tim. @TimArnot

sky one

Quote from: spokes2112 on March 18, 2013, 01:51:50 PM
Cool - If your system has it installed, I happen to like "Arial Rounded MT Bold" - Just a recommendation tis all.
Great advice Roman!

X-plane user



Just a little info for you. When changing fonts all font assignments get changed except 1 - the "View" tab. Not the container wholly, just the text on the tab itself. It follows the font but not the weighting I.E. bold or not. Piddly stuff.


tim arnot

Ok thanks, I'll look at it.

Tim. @TimArnot