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Bravo-Zulu 3.0.56 !!!

Started by spokes2112, March 18, 2013, 01:39:34 PM

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I would like to thank you for the newest release!! It seems soo much more responsive than previous versions of V3..  :cool2:  One thing I'd like to note. It seems when the '56 version gets installed the shortcuts provided point to a newly created "Plan-G3.exe" and "Plan-G3.exe.config" that are placed in the ?? Root Start Menu ?? . If those are deleted and the shortcut is used again it asks for the install.msi file which again places those 2 back into the start menu. A work around was to create a shortcut from the Plan-G/Plan-G3.exe installation folder instead, that way the 2 other created files can be deleted. There's no problem being there for me but I like to keep a clean, well sorted start menu. Would this this work-around and deletion of the 2 files cause any problems? It seems to me that the 2 files are there just setup a newer SQL connection? on first run. Any insight?

Thanks again,


tim arnot

Sounds like a hiccup in the installer builder. There's no particular reason those files have to be there - I'll look at it next time I do a build...

Thx :)

Tim. @TimArnot



This still happens for me in '59, no biggie, just fyi.


tim arnot

Ok, my bad - I hadn't made a note of it.  :-[

Tim. @TimArnot