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Airway names not showing up in v3

Started by lordofwings, July 16, 2013, 07:08:36 PM

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When I had v2.0.x which I still have BTW, it had a very nice feature. When you hovered an airway line, it would show a tooltip with the following information:

  • Airway name, i.e. V19, A250
  • Minimum Enroute Altitude

However, as of version 3.0, that behaviour seems to have gone away. That is a pity because if you want to make good flight plans (as some VAs require) you need to know which airway you are travelling on and the Minimum Enroute Altitude

Any plans to bring that back? I really miss that, for that reason I haven't really done a full transition to v3

sky one

This is a "VFR Flight Planning" software and in VFR... no airways!  :)

(I'm joking: I'm sure Tim will reply to you properly).

X-plane user


Surely you are joking (Mr. Feinman) ;-) the "VFR Planning"  motto for this excellent piece of software is not only an unfortunate choice but a misnomer. In fact I think it should be changed to just "flight planning" because if it was purely VFR then there would be no IFR button on the ribbon bar ;-)

I hope that is resolved soon. So far every time I have to create a new flight plan I use v3 and then finish my FP with v2 to find out the airway names :(

Has the project been archived? I haven't seen much "movement" in quite a while.

tim arnot

I'll look into it - I wasn't aware that the tooltips were not showing.

Yes this *IS* a VFR flight planner and it is designed as such, with unique features required by the VFR pilot. But like many VFR pilots it is capable of a little bit of IFR when the need arises. It is not designed  as an IFR flight planner and lack many features that such a beast would warrant. There are many IFR planners on the market if you need them.

While Plan-G does support IFR planning at the most basic level (the rules for IFR flight demand only that it is conducted at or above MSA and at the appropriate semicircular/quadrantal level. Plan-G does this) The "instrument flight" features in Plan-G (i.e. instrument approaches) are primarily there as a "get out of trouble" card if the weather suddenly closes in etc. (lower airways are not strictly an IFR feature, since many of them can legitimately be flown VFR). Yes it's true that many people use Plan-G for the construction of "deliberate" IFR flights and even airliner flights, it's not designed with that kind of flying in mind.

No the project has not been archived - there was even an update released within the last week. But I'm just one person and have to juggle my time between this, other projects and things that put food on the table.

Tim. @TimArnot


And has this issue been solved? I still rely on my Plan-G v2.05 for this so that I can submit flight plans to my VA, otherwise they get rejected.

tim arnot

No, it didn't get into this build. I'll make it a priority for the next one.

Tim. @TimArnot

tim arnot

Don't forget, for now if you right-click on the airway, its name is shown in the menu :)

Tim. @TimArnot