
Thou shalt confirm thine airspeed on final, lest the earth rise up and smite thee. (pre-landing checklist, v1)

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Save Altitude

Started by JimF117, July 20, 2013, 07:31:02 PM

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I have made flight plans for a long time and suddenly now it will not save the suggested altitude set for the plan, just the original suggested altitude. Example: I save 35000 but it saves the original suggested altitude of 13000. I have all the updates from Windows, 7 x64. Help Please!

sky one

Do you have the last Plan-G version? This was an error Tim fixed on build 59 or 60...

X-plane user


I have the old v2 and the latest Plan-G_v3.0.5.61. Does not work on either one.

tim arnot

Please attach the saved plan. Thanks.

Tim. @TimArnot


Sending 1 new one to Cancun.


Did I do something wrong with the plan? I am still fairly new to flight simming, since April 2012. Still learning how to navigate. Any help would be appreciated.


Plan-G v. is now working fine. I had installed Flight 1: iFly 737 NGX and that is when the problem started, I believe. Uninstalled it and now Plan-G is working. The iFly 737 would not use any existing flight plans. Had to program new ones into FMC and save in their format. Nice plane but a lot of work for me to redo all of my flight plans. I have to go to Sky Vector online to use their charts, can't afford the real ones. Sorry to have troubled you with this. Hope this advice helps someone else.  JimF