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Clicking in radio stack ADF window causes Plan G to crash ; possibly FSUIPC prob

Started by Paul K, August 07, 2013, 01:54:34 PM

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Paul K

I have a desktop PC with FSX and Plan G ( v ) installed, and a networked laptop with another copy of Plan G. The FSX PC has a registered copy of FSUIPC ( which includes the Wide FS server ) and the laptop has Wide FS client installed.

Laptop Plan G connects to FSX on the desktop using Wide FS without any problem at all, but I have found that clicking in the radio stack ADF frequency ( in an attempt to alter the frequency ) causes PLan G to stop working, and it has to be restarted.

The same is true for the copy of Plan G thats on the FSX computer..when Plan G is connected to FSX using FSUIPC, it crashes when I click on the location shown above but when connected using Simconnect, there is no problem.

Clearly this is an FSUIPC - related problem. Before posting at Pete Dowson's forum, I thought I'd ask here first. Any help would be welcome

tim arnot

Can you post the log file?

Also can you verify that the plane you are flying in FS does have an ADF?

Tim. @TimArnot

Paul K

Tim, I started out with the A2A B-17, and the same thought occurred to me...does this aircraft's instruments correspond to the Plan G radio stack ? So, I tried again using the default Cessna 172 ( the 'used trainer' version )  and still the same problem.

And sorry to be a dimwit, but can you point me to where the log file might be in Windows 7 ?  :-[

sky one

X-plane user

Paul K

Ah, of course..thanks Cristiano. I'll start a new log, and get the fault to come up again so that its easier to spot. I'm away from home till Friday, so I'll do it then. THanks for the help so far  :)

Paul K

Hi gents,

OKay, I have run PLan G again, both on the same computer as FSX and on a networked laptop, and still the problem arises. Unfortunately, nothing futher is written to the Plan-G_log.txt once the lock up occurs. I am using FSUIPC version 4.91 and Plan-G version Anyway, here are the log files, with REM statements for clarity. Firstly, FSX and Plan G on the same PC ( I used Simconnect first, then FSUIPC )...

// This is Plan G running on the same PC as FSX

13:14:29.0 Cleanup


13:14:46.4 Starting Plan-G, build
13:14:46.4 OS is Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
13:14:46.5 InitDataFolder
13:14:46.5 Data Source = C:\Users\Paul\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_FSX.sdf
13:14:46.5 Data Source = C:\Users\Paul\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_FS9.sdf
13:14:46.5 Data Source = C:\Users\Paul\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_XPX.sdf
13:14:46.5 Data Source = C:\Users\Paul\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_NAVI.sdf
13:14:46.5 Data Source = C:\Users\Paul\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\UserWaypoints.sdf
13:14:46.5 Data Source = C:\Users\Paul\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\MEF.sdf
13:14:47.2 Map tiles cache: C:\Users\Paul\AppData\Local\GMap.NET\
13:14:47.3 Program in: C:\Program Files (x86)\TA Software\Plan-G v3
13:14:47.3 Data in: C:\Users\Paul\Documents\Plan-G Files
13:14:47.3 IsDataLoaded: FSX
13:14:47.3 Data Source = C:\Users\Paul\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_FSX.sdf
13:14:47.4 Starting timer
13:14:47.4 DownloadCurrentMetars thread started
13:14:47.4 Metar11Z.TXT started
13:14:47.4 sTAF12Z.TXT started
13:14:47.4 Metar12Z.TXT started
13:14:47.5 lTAF06Z.TXT started
13:14:47.5 sTAF06Z.TXT started
13:14:47.5 lTAF12Z.TXT started
13:14:47.7 Connection string: metadata=res://*/Data.FSData.csdl|res://*/Data.FSData.ssdl|res://*/Data.FSData.msl;provider=System.Data.SqlServerCe.3.5;provider connection string='Data Source=|DataDirectory|\Data\PlanG3_FSX.sdf'
13:14:48.0 NdbsInBounds 18
13:14:48.1 lTAF12Z.TXT done
13:14:48.1 VorsInBounds 64
13:14:48.2 sTAF06Z.TXT done
13:14:48.2 sTAF12Z.TXT done
13:14:48.4 AirportsInBounds 308
13:14:48.5 lTAF06Z.TXT done
13:14:48.7 AirspaceInBounds 306
13:14:49.2 IsDataLoaded: FSX
13:14:49.2 Data Source = C:\Users\Paul\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_FSX.sdf
13:14:49.2 IsDataLoaded: FS9
13:14:49.2 Data Source = C:\Users\Paul\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_FS9.sdf
13:14:49.2 IsDataLoaded: XPlane
13:14:49.2 Data Source = C:\Users\Paul\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_XPX.sdf
13:14:49.3 NdbsInBounds 20
13:14:49.3 VorsInBounds 57
13:14:49.4 AirportsInBounds 329
13:14:49.5 AirspaceInBounds 275
13:14:49.7 NdbsInBounds 21
13:14:49.7 VorsInBounds 59
13:14:49.8 AirportsInBounds 341
13:14:49.9 AirspaceInBounds 299
13:14:49.9 Stopping timer
13:14:49.9 StartMap
13:14:50.2 NdbsInBounds 22
13:14:50.2 VorsInBounds 59
13:14:50.3 AirportsInBounds 345
13:14:50.4 Metar12Z.TXT done
13:14:50.6 AirspaceInBounds 286
13:14:50.7 NdbsInBounds 22
13:14:50.7 VorsInBounds 59
13:14:50.8 AirportsInBounds 345
13:14:50.9 AirspaceInBounds 286
13:14:50.9 Metar11Z.TXT done
13:14:50.9 DownloadCurrentMetars done
13:14:51.4 ProcessMetars done
13:14:54.8 _Backstage_IsOpenChanged: True
13:15:02.8 _Backstage_IsOpenChanged: False

// I now connect using Simconnect

13:16:20.0 Initiating SimConnect connection.
13:16:20.0 Connect
13:16:20.0 SimConnect.Connect - Remote. Mode = Pipe Server = localhost Port =
13:16:20.0 sc_OnRecvOpen Connected to FSX
13:16:20.0 Connected to sim
13:16:20.1 Traffic update:48 planes
13:16:20.3 Transponder: 4608

// Everything ok so far. I now DISCONNECT, change the connection from Simconnect to FSUIPC, and reconnect.

13:18:50.1 Traffic update:48 planes
13:18:57.6 _Backstage_IsOpenChanged: False
13:18:59.3 Disconnect
13:19:00.3 Disconnected from sim
13:19:03.3 _Backstage_IsOpenChanged: True
13:19:13.4 _Backstage_IsOpenChanged: False
13:19:15.5 Initiating FSUIPC/XPUIPC connection.
13:19:15.5 FSUIPC/XPUIPC.Connect
13:19:15.6 FSUIPC Connected to FSX
13:19:15.8 Connected to sim
13:19:15.8 Transponder: 4608
13:19:17.0 Traffic update:1 planes
13:19:17.8 Traffic update:2 planes
13:19:18.5 Traffic update:3 planes
13:19:19.3 Traffic update:4 planes
13:19:20.1 Traffic update:5 planes
13:19:20.8 Traffic update:6 planes
13:19:21.6 Traffic update:7 planes
13:19:22.7 Traffic update:8 planes

// I now start clicking in the ADF panel in the radio stack...

As you can see, nothing further is written after Plan G locks up

Okay, here is the log file with Plan G on the lap top using Wide FS to connect to FSUIPC on the FSX desktop...

//This is Plan G running on a lap top, connecting to the FSX PC using Wide FS and FSUIPC



13:24:14.5 Starting Plan-G, build
13:24:14.5 OS is Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
13:24:15.0 InitDataFolder
13:24:15.0 Data Source = C:\Users\Paul\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_FSX.sdf
13:24:15.0 Data Source = C:\Users\Paul\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_FS9.sdf
13:24:15.0 Data Source = C:\Users\Paul\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_XPX.sdf
13:24:15.0 Data Source = C:\Users\Paul\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_NAVI.sdf
13:24:15.0 Data Source = C:\Users\Paul\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\UserWaypoints.sdf
13:24:15.1 Data Source = C:\Users\Paul\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\MEF.sdf
13:24:16.4 Map tiles cache: C:\Users\Paul\AppData\Local\GMap.NET\
13:24:16.6 Program in: C:\Program Files (x86)\TA Software\Plan-G v3
13:24:16.6 Data in: C:\Users\Paul\Documents\Plan-G Files
13:24:16.6 IsDataLoaded: FSX
13:24:16.6 Data Source = C:\Users\Paul\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_FSX.sdf
13:24:44.6 CheckCurrentVersion: System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized.
   at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadDataInternal(Uri address, WebRequest& request)
   at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadData(Uri address)
   at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadData(String address)
   at Plan_G3.Model.UTIL.CheckCurrentVersion() in C:\Users\Tim\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\Plan-G3\Plan-G3\Model\UTIL.cs:line 38
13:24:44.6 Starting timer
13:24:44.7 DownloadCurrentMetars thread started
13:24:44.7 lTAF06Z.TXT started
13:24:44.7 Metar12Z.TXT started
13:24:44.7 Metar11Z.TXT started
13:24:44.7 sTAF12Z.TXT started
13:24:44.9 sTAF12Z.TXT done
13:24:44.9 lTAF12Z.TXT started
13:24:45.1 lTAF12Z.TXT done
13:24:45.1 sTAF06Z.TXT started
13:24:45.3 sTAF06Z.TXT done
13:24:45.3 lTAF06Z.TXT done
13:24:45.4 Connection string: metadata=res://*/Data.FSData.csdl|res://*/Data.FSData.ssdl|res://*/Data.FSData.msl;provider=System.Data.SqlServerCe.3.5;provider connection string='Data Source=|DataDirectory|\Data\PlanG3_FSX.sdf'
13:24:46.5 NdbsInBounds 1
13:24:46.6 VorsInBounds 1
13:24:47.0 AirportsInBounds 8
13:24:47.1 AirspaceInBounds 19
13:24:47.3 IsDataLoaded: FSX
13:24:47.3 Data Source = C:\Users\Paul\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_FSX.sdf
13:24:47.3 Metar11Z.TXT done
13:24:47.3 IsDataLoaded: FS9
13:24:47.3 Data Source = C:\Users\Paul\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_FS9.sdf
13:24:47.4 IsDataLoaded: XPlane
13:24:47.4 Data Source = C:\Users\Paul\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_XPX.sdf
13:24:47.4 Metar12Z.TXT done
13:24:47.4 DownloadCurrentMetars done
13:24:47.6 NdbsInBounds 0
13:24:47.6 VorsInBounds 1
13:24:47.7 AirportsInBounds 9
13:24:47.8 AirspaceInBounds 18
13:24:47.9 Stopping timer
13:24:47.9 StartMap
13:24:48.0 NdbsInBounds 0
13:24:48.0 VorsInBounds 1
13:24:48.1 AirportsInBounds 9
13:24:48.3 AirspaceInBounds 18
13:24:48.3 NdbsInBounds 0
13:24:48.3 VorsInBounds 1
13:24:48.3 ProcessMetars done
13:24:48.4 AirportsInBounds 9
13:24:48.5 AirspaceInBounds 18
13:24:48.6 NdbsInBounds 0
13:24:48.6 VorsInBounds 1
13:24:48.6 AirportsInBounds 9
13:24:48.8 AirspaceInBounds 18

// I now connect Plan G on this laptop to FSX on the desktop, using WideFS

13:28:09.3 Initiating FSUIPC/XPUIPC connection.
13:28:09.3 FSUIPC/XPUIPC.Connect
13:28:09.5 FSUIPC Connected to FSX
13:28:09.5 Connected to sim
13:28:09.6 Transponder: 4608
13:28:10.6 Traffic update:1 planes
13:28:12.0 Traffic update:2 planes
13:28:13.0 Traffic update:3 planes
13:28:13.6 Traffic update:4 planes
13:28:13.9 Traffic update:5 planes
13:28:14.1 Traffic update:6 planes
13:28:14.5 Traffic update:7 planes
13:28:15.4 Traffic update:8 planes
13:28:16.4 Traffic update:9 planes
13:28:17.9 Traffic update:10 planes
13:28:19.4 Traffic update:11 planes
13:28:20.1 Traffic update:12 planes
13:28:21.2 Traffic update:13 planes

// Everything works fine, so I now start clicking in the ADF window in the radio stack...

Again, Plan G stops working, Windows offers to search for a fix which it can't find, etc etc

Hope this is of help. By the way, I can change the ADF frequency in the FSX aircraft, and that change appears in the Plan G radio stack without any problem. Its trying to do it the other way that doesn't work.

sky one


it will doesn't matter, but first of all upgrade Plan-G to the last build (v3.0.5.61).
Sorry, but this is the only advice I could give.  :(

X-plane user

tim arnot

Tim. @TimArnot

Paul K

Just for further info, Tim, I've installed the latest version of Plan G ( version ) on both FSX PC and the networked laptop and still the same problem I'm afraid. Everything is fine till I click on the ADF frequency on both computers when connected to FSX with FSUIPC  and Wide Client & WideFS

tim arnot

Does it also crash if you connect through FSUIPC on the same computer as FS (i.e., without using WideFS)?

Tim. @TimArnot

Paul K

Quote from: tim arnot on August 15, 2013, 04:04:49 PM
Does it also crash if you connect through FSUIPC on the same computer as FS (i.e., without using WideFS)?

Yes it does, Tim.. When I have just the FSX computer running ( i.e. laptop shut down ), and the FSX computer's copy of Plan G connected to FSX via FSUIPC, the same problem arises. I've tried several combinations of actions, for example connecting with pipe, then disconnecting and reconnecting with FSUIPC...connecting with FSUIPC first...but the same result; Plan G stops working.

I also wondered whether it might be the result of having Plan G running on both the FSX PC and laptop at the same time, but no...whether its just running on the FSX PC, or just on the laptop, or running on both, it stops working.

Presumably, since the problem exists on both the FSX computer and the networked laptop, its not a problem with the Wide server or WideFS client.

And why does it happen only when clicking in the ADF frequency panel ? I'm trying to see if there is some setting in the FSUIPC Options and Settings window ( the one you can bring up while in the sim ) that is specific to the ADF...

tim arnot

Ok thanks. I've identified the problem; it'll be fixed in the next build. :)

Tim. @TimArnot

Paul K

Well done that man !!  ;D

Tim, what, in layman's terms, is causing it to happen ?

tim arnot

Something didn't get checked in the ADF set/get functions that was being checked in all the others.

Tim. @TimArnot