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Activex Control Warning

Started by jschall, September 02, 2009, 10:03:06 PM

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I am running Version .358 on Windows XP SP3.

Whenever I start Plan-G, an Internet Explorer Information Bar pops up to advise me that:

"...your web browser has restricted this file from showing active content that could access your computer."

1. Does it matter to Plan-G whether I allow the Activex control or not?

2. Is there some way of eliminating this minor annoyance at the startup of Plan-G?

- Jeff Schallenberg
Mont Saint-Hilaire, Québec
FSX SP2, Windows 7, AMD FX-62, Nvidia GTX550ti

tim arnot

Yes you should allow the script, or you will not see any of the Plan-G overlay data. To get rid of the alert, you will need to enable local ActiveX scripting in your Internet Explorer security settings - details are in the readme.

Tim. @TimArnot


Quote from: tim arnot on September 02, 2009, 10:42:31 PM
To get rid of the alert, you will need to enable local ActiveX scripting in your Internet Explorer security settings - details are in the readme.

I read the readme.txt, and the option is already enabled in the MSIE 7 Intranet security settings. I still get the warning.

- Jeff
FSX SP2, Windows 7, AMD FX-62, Nvidia GTX550ti

tim arnot

That's interesting. That's what did it for me, but maybe there are other factors in play. What OS and version of IE are you using?

Tim. @TimArnot


Windows XP SP3, MSIE 7

Any other MSIE security tweaks to try?

- Jeff Schallenberg
Mont Saint-Hilaire, Québec
FSX SP2, Windows 7, AMD FX-62, Nvidia GTX550ti

tim arnot

I have found a different way of fixing it that  will be incorporated into the next build. It's something you can do yourself, if you don't mind editing a file in notepad...

Open up the file google.html (you'll have to right-click it and select edit, otherwise it'll just open in your browser.

Clear a space above the top line, and paste the following line of text into it (including the angle brackets):

<!-- saved from url=(0014)about:internet -->

Save the file and close it. Job done.

Tim. @TimArnot


That did it! Thank you, Tim!

- Jeff
FSX SP2, Windows 7, AMD FX-62, Nvidia GTX550ti

Peter Dodds

Major irritation removed. Cheers, Tim.


John Lygo

Quote from: Peter Dodds on September 03, 2009, 09:26:05 PM
Major irritation removed. Cheers, Tim.


How right you are Peter - and thanks Tim.  :)

Harley Glossop

you could always do:

<!-- saved from url=(0027) -->

so that people trundling through the code will find the url for your site instead of just a generic thing :D