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Flight Plan Window dissappeared

Started by Ewluka, May 09, 2014, 12:08:12 PM

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I've accidentally closed the Flight Plan Window and cannot find how to reopen it. I can create Flight plans, but do not see what is included there.
Please help.


I want to update this post, that the Plan Window doesn't pop-up once icon "Plan" is selected (shift-1), while other icons open / closes without any problems. The user.config xml shows negative value:
            <setting name="PlanWindowPosition" serializeAs="String">

Should I just edit directly this xml file or is there any other proper means to fix this bug?


I would.. Setting it to 0,0 would be a good start.


tim arnot

Don't edit the file while Plan-G is running - your changes will just get overwritten. If you completely screw up, you can just delete the file - it'll create a new one with default values next time it starts.

Tim. @TimArnot


Quote from: spokes2112 on May 09, 2014, 02:51:36 PM
I would.. Setting it to 0,0 would be a good start.


And setting it to 0,0 position helped. Thank you.