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No VOR shown

Started by moontan, June 06, 2014, 04:36:21 PM

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i am trialing the Plan-G demo atm.

the problem i have is that VOR don't show in some places.
DME are shown and i can toggle them on and off but there's a problem with the VOR.

i tried to use the Find/VOR.
i can see VOR in other part of the world but not the west coast of the  USA.

i have built the database for X-Plane 9 of the USA west coast inside Plan-G.

any help will be appreciated!  :)

tim arnot

Check the log file after you  build the database. All the VORs in earth_nav.dat should be listed as they are read. Check the file for errors too.

Tim. @TimArnot



i am using Windows 8.1
when i try to install the database the first time it always hang and i have to kill the program.
but the database always install on the second try.

the VORs in earth_nav.dat are all there.

i got this error message from the log:
07:41:51.6 BuildDatabase_Executed: System.IO.IOException: The process cannot access the file 'C:\Users\moontan\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_XPX.sdf' because it is being used by another process.
   at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)

i have attached the log file for your examination.

i also just sent a little donation, because, developers too like cold beers!  :P

thank you,


i deleted the Log file, then reloaded G-Plan.

here's the error message i got:
IsDataLoaded: The database file cannot be found. Check the path to the database. [ Data Source = C:\Users\moontan\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_P3D.sdf ]
i am re-installing and gonna let the time needed to build the database. (see post #3)
last time i tried to build it was still not done after 45 minutes.
i'm gonna leave it for a few hours and come back...
after a few hours it's still a no-go...


seeing the lack of support here for my problem i just went and bought EFASS.

thanks anyway...

tim arnot

I did look at your problem, but sadly, work and family sometimes get in the way and I couldn't get a reply up.

The file can't be found message is unimportant, since you're not using p3d.

There is an error shown writing a particular navaid, but other than the name "01ILS-cat-I" there is insufficient information to identify it from the log. It may well come from an addon airport.

Tim. @TimArnot


tnx Tim, i understand.  :)

it's no biggie really, i use 3-4 different flight planners.

i might re-install X-Plane from scratch without any addons sometimes soon to see if i can fix the problem.

you're probably right, it's most likely some addon i installed.

tim arnot

The easiest way to identify it might be to search through the navdata.dat files for your addons for that string. Then remove it temporarily.

There's clearly a bug there though which needs to be fixed (the next version is still a week or two away) - it's a bit of bad legacy from adapting the MSFS databases to X-Plane, since they didn't support some of the longer data fields.

Tim. @TimArnot



i purchased X-Plane 9 but decided to download the X-Plane 10 Demo yesterday and then install Plan-G, using the Demo location to build the Plan-G database.

it worked and now i can see the VORs!

i tried beforehand with X-Plane 9, deleting all my addons and it still did not work.
so i guess there must be something wrong with the XP9 data...