Only have map, nothing else with new version!

Started by paulwilko10, July 26, 2014, 10:31:55 AM

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tim arnot

You're getting file sharing violations. Maybe you still have the old version running? Do you have Run As Administrator set?

Tim. @TimArnot


Thank you for your interest.
I have uninstalled the previous versions. I have searched for all equipment the files related  to PLAN-G and I deleted that entries. Then I installed the most current version and, later, I started in administrator mode
And the problem continues
In any case, I can only thank you for your interest in my problem

tim arnot

Are you running Plan-G on an external drive, or across a network, something like that?

Tim. @TimArnot


Negative Sir

I run PLAN-G from Disk C. Exactly from a directory call TA Software that I created specifically to PLAN-G

tim arnot

Maybe some firewall / antivirus interaction? Otherwise I'm pretty much stumped.

Tim. @TimArnot


I have disabled the antivirus and firewalls windows. But the problem remains the same.
Open up the program allows me to do a flight plan, but when I want to save or open an existing one, nothing.



I uninstalled the program for the umpteenth time.

I searched all hard drives any reference to PLAN-G or TA Software and I deleted it without more.

I spent the CCleaner to clean records

Reinstalled, again creating the database and voila, all perfect

Thanks to all of you who are interested

tim arnot

Tim. @TimArnot