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Unable print Flight Plan

Started by colang, September 04, 2014, 12:51:04 AM

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I installed last version on a windows7 x64 italian, and I cannot print anymore the flightplan.
When I try to print, a blank sheet is instead produced.
I tried reinstall thye previous working version but this one too now doesn't print anymore.

I tried to run the program as administrator and also tried some compatibility settings (xp mode) without success.
Tried also other softwares and all print correctly, Plan-G is the only one having this problem.

Please, have you some idea about what can I try to solve or troubleshoot this strange behaviour?


Sorry colang for "hi-jacking" your topic, but I did some testing that might help Tim when he has time to look at it.

I am also using on Windows 7 64bits.

When I have a plan then I can print the Current Map. When I then want to print the Flight Plan I get an error message that temp.xps is used by another user. The temp.xps file contains the Current Map.

I restarted Plan-G opened my plan and then I can print the Flight Plan. When I then want to print the Current Map the preview shows a blank page. The temp.xps file contains the Flight Plan. I believe this is the same problem as above, but no message is generated this time.

Waiting several minutes between print requests does not solve the problem either.


X-Plane 11.25, Plan-G


Hi Guys
Just adding to the above problem here is what I have been doing to get around the problem until Tim fixes it.

1.  After hitting "Print Current Map" nothing often shows until I hit it a 2nd time.  Then if I try to print a flight plan I get the error reported above.  I also noticed that the menu bar was then missing.
2.  To get around all this all you need to do is minimise Plan-g (no need to close it) and then restore it.
3.  The Menu bar should now be back.
4.  Go to the Home tab.
5.  Now go and print either the map or the flight plan, but only one.
6. You just keep on doing this for as many things you need to print.

Having said that, I do not use PLAN-G's print map feature preferring a 3rd party piece of software for the map printing which gives me a far better map to use as you will see from my attachments.
Hope this helps guys and also helps Tim zoom in a bit more on where the problem is.



After reading your posts I made a littel more troubleshooting.
It seems at the moment of push the Print Plan (or print map) button, the temp.xps file is created, but maybe it's not released.
If attempting print the flight plan is possible open and print the temp.xps using Windows xps viewer, if attempting print the map the xps viewer says the file is in use.
Moreover, closing Plan-G sometimes delete the temp.xps, someothers don't.

In any case, the xps file is printable using xps viewer, instead Plan-G print blank papers, except for a little grey framework, as it reads uncorrectly or cannot access the xps file.

At the moment the print temp.xps using the xps viewer can be a good workaround, but maybe something has to be fixed in the Printing mechanism.


any news or any investigation about this issue?

tim arnot

Not so far - haven't had a chance to look into it.

Tim. @TimArnot


Bump up.

Still unable to print, I tried change and replace some fonts, without success.


tim arnot

It needs a rewrite of that code. It'll get done, but I can't give you a timeframe.

Tim. @TimArnot


Thanks Tim, as long as it is on your to-do list I am happy.

X-Plane 11.25, Plan-G


Thanks for information and for the good news.
The important thing is that you identified the issue, then sooner or later I hope you can find time to solve it.
Thanks for your time and support and... for the great software.


Hi Tim,

Upgraded to the latest version Works fine, thank you for your work.

Sorry to be negative, but the problem of printing Current Map and Flight Plan plus the loss of the top toolbar in full screen mode is still there. You indicated earlier that it requires a complete rewrite and I know that that takes more time then simply fixing a bug. Yet, any idea when that may happen?

X-Plane 11.25, Plan-G

tim arnot

Yeah, sorry it didn't get in. There has to be a point at which you ship the fixes you already have, otherwise nothing will ever get released. But it is high on my list of priorities...

Tim. @TimArnot


Using version

Same here, I only get a blank page when I'm trying to print the current plan.

Win7 x64, using OSM.

tim arnot

Ok thanks. I'll make sure it gets looked at.

Tim. @TimArnot