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KMZ Airport Icon

Started by airernie, January 03, 2015, 10:18:28 AM

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I've recently been using the FTX Freeware Airport KMZ file that has been created by an Orbx user with Plan-G.  It's a great feature, but the icon used to display the airport is a bit overwhelming.

Is there a possibility that the icon can be reduced in a future release of Plan-G?



Since I initiated this topic I thought that I would comment on what I found out.  The graphic itself is being pulled from the Google Maps site, so there is nothing that can be done in Plan-G regarding its size.

However, after researching the KML/KMZ file format I was able to reduce the display size of the graphic by changing the value within the <scale></scale> tag. 

If interested, the information can be obtained at Reference.