
Thou shalt confirm thine airspeed on final, lest the earth rise up and smite thee. (pre-landing checklist, v1)

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building database on second PC without FS install.

Started by andresico, March 28, 2015, 11:26:30 PM

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I´m trying to build the P3D scenery database in a Plan-G install that i have on a second PC and which doesnt have a FS installed.(not network) I have done that before without problems, but maybe I´m doing something wrong this time. (brain memory fuzz)
I have made a folder with a copy of P3D exe and the active scenery cfg (the one hidden in programdata/lockhead Martin/etc)
I search for the folder and Plan-G starts preparing for the database, but it never finishes. I´ve tried twice now, both times leaving it for an hour or so, and nothing.

Any suggestions? Thanks in advance

tim arnot

Install a copy of Plan-G on the FS PC and build your database there, then copy the Plan-G Files\data folder across - much less hassle.

Tim. @TimArnot


Oh yes, of course, now I remember what I did the last time. ( simply copy data folder instaead of copying scenery.cfg/exe and build database)  Thanks for pushing my confused brain on track.


Hi Tim !
I tried this shortcut after reading about it on the manual (section 8.10.4), but - unfortunately - it is not working for me: the PlanG running on a laptop (I used the XP version for it, whilst the flying PC is a Win7 machine, where there are no problems) seems not to see the copied data, and behaves like the database is still to be created.
I thought it was wise to enclose the log txt.
Thanks for the investigation ...


... wait a minute.
I enclosed the wrong log and described the previous status (the one before copying the data, when I tried to generate the database across the network and had to wait for hours, and nothing happened, like the other user reported ...).
Now PlanG doesn't ask for database creation anymore ... but data are not displayed nevertheless on the map.
Yet, the checkmarks for displaying NDBs, VORs, etc. have been activated.
New log enclosed.

tim arnot

You need to update DotNet on that laptop to the latest service release - that should sort it.

Tim. @TimArnot


... uhm ... easier said than done, being an XP machine.
Most download links are uneffective since MS stopped supporting the OS.
I found a 4.5.2 version, but it's "too much" for good ole laptop; I see MS .net 4.0 already there, I wonder what's the suitable compromise in between.
Were you thinking about something specific ?


Btw, could it be in need of installing the WIC,  instead ?


 :afro: Solved ! But what a pain in the xyz ...
First, I found a very interesting topic here on the forum:
Then I found how to download the patch (NDP40-KB2468871-v2-x86.exe) mentioned by Cristiano (grazie mille !)
Then I was faced with an installation error, the infamous error 643 ...
Then I found what other people had discovered, and come up with:
What Joe Hemen described (thank you !) was enough to fix the error ...
Et voilà !
Plan-G now runs correctly.
Hope this might help others ...
Happy landings and always three greens, y'all !