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Suddenly it all crawls, and always error box at exit

Started by jstockton267, April 29, 2015, 07:41:00 PM

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Using Plan-G 3.1.2 for XP.

Everything goes fine and then at some point it just crawls--it takes 3 min to move a map, minutes to get back to arrow cursor, 5 min to move a waypoint up one line.

And when I exit even not in crawl mode--just a normal exit when all is running fine, I get the useless error box "Plan_G has encountered a problem and needs to close. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Why? How to fix?


FSX and PlanG are on the same system, not networked?
Does FSX also have a slow down that coincides with the PLanG slowdown?
Does FSX have any problems without PlanG running?

Is anything else running (virus sniffer, internet browser, etc)?

Fire up task manager and keep it open  before you start FSX or PlanG
Check the applications that are running when your system is at ease.
Then check the processes that are running when your system is at ease.
Now move into  performance view.

As you fly (it'll be a throw away flight) watch what happens to  task manager when the system gets slow.
Does CPU or memory (or neither??!!)  max out?
Switch back to processes and see whats happening.

This wont solve your problem, it might help you to get an idea of what may be going on is all.

Good luck!


"FSX and PlanG are on the same system, not networked?"

Same PC

"Does FSX also have a slow down that coincides with the PLanG slowdown?"

All my problems I listed occured when FSX was not even running! I was working ewith the Plan-G tutorial when all this was happening, developing the flight plan in the tutorial. I never even had FSX loaded, running or nothing.

So this is not anything to do with FSX.

I checked CPU activity--I could not see any issue. I thought it might have somethign to dowith .NET Frame, and so I reininstalled/repaired .NET Frramework 4 Extended and Client Profile, but nothing changed

I got 4 GB (actually only 3GB is seen under XP), Duo Core E8500.

I can not tell why it starts to crawl when it does. I was just working through the tutorial when it happened--not in FSX or really in anything else except Adobe Reader. I have no virus scanner that kicks in, but do have a firewall which I allowed Plan-G through, obviously.


I ALWAYS get the exit error box, even when all things worked fine and I exit


Sorry j, I'm pretty new to PlanG so I'm not sure where to look.

I've seen the symptoms you describe happen when the memory gets maxed out and the system starts thrashing between physical and virtual memory. I've used the resource monitor in task manager to watch the CPU and memory.

It sounds like you've confirmed you don't have a bunch of processes competing for resources (cpu, mem, disk,...)

But it could be other things as well.

Does the log file (Plan-G_Log.txt)  in  ..\My Documents\Plan‐G Files\ give any clues?

Sorry, I wish I could be more help.


The very last line is Log file is always a "Cleanup." I do not see any issues in log file.

Windows paging file is set to F:\ and is 3GB--40GB is free on the hard disk

Typical free RAM memory when I am doing what I was doing when these problems come up is about 1.5GB FREE RAM


I guess I'd try sneaking up on it.
Start like usual, work for a minute, save and exit (hopefully successfully)
  Look at the log file from this successful session. See what files got created/written to.
Now reopen the project, work for a minute or two, and save/exit again. Verify log, files.
Repeat over and over, see if there's some length of time or number of operations you can do successfully.

There is a utility, procmon (, that can log the files that are in use. It's very extensive, but it's something.  Maybe it's trying to open a file that doesn't exist, or is protected, or ...

tim arnot

It does *sound* like a low memory type situation - just about every program behaves that way when it's about to run out of memory. And "free RAM" isn't much of a guide, because it's what's allocated to the program that's important: you can have lots of free RAM and stuff still runs out of memory, especially if you're on a 64-bit PC. And on 32 bits, it's even tighter.

I'd echo what LockheedMcDonnel3-12 said: run a diagnostic with Task Manager, and we'll get a better picture of what's happening.

Tim. @TimArnot


Honestly, this is rather surprising. I have a respectable "gaming" PC--Dell XPS 630i, with maximum memory under 32 bit windows. I mean a loaded FSX runs smother that Plan-G, a flight planner! And I cant believe I am the first to report this issue. After all, all I am doing is running the Plan G tutorial!

Which brings me to 2 questions about the tutrorial--maybe it is a bit outdated:

1) On page 110, under #8--it says "red line"--but I see a Megenta line. And that red line is suppose to be "Manchester TMA Class A 3500+" but Plan-G shows the magenta line in Info panel as "Class B 3500 + MANCHESTER TMA-1"--see PIC

2) When I add the LPL approach to the flight plan, the flight plan lines do not show up--I see just the approach. Refresshing does nothing. See PIC.

What is going on?

Meanwhile I will try the things you suggested.

Any idea why I ALWAYS get the error box whenever I close Plan-G? I mean even if I open Plan-G for 10 seconds and close it, I ALWAYS get the useless error box--see PIC

tim arnot

Sounds like you're using FS9 data - there's no class B in the UK, and FSX has this correct. FS9 had class B. Class A airspace is drawn in red.

I've had reports before of the flight plan line disappearing, but I've never been able to reproduce it.

I don't know what's causing a problem on your PC - it definitely isn't normal.

Tim. @TimArnot


Yes, you were right--I was accidentally using FS9 data, because I had used FS9 and Plan G before I started a serious study of the tutorial, and then forgot to switch to FSX data. I should have realized this because as I was flying the flight pla, the FS scenery was not matching close enough the map in Plan-G--it was off a bit

But the other 2 problems remain, I guess, with no solution--flight plan lines disappearing, and Error box at exit (error box still happening with FSX data).

I think I accidentally solved the disdappearing flight plan lines--it is not happening anymore. I added some waypoint, any waypoint, saved the flight plan, and then deleted the waypoint and and saved the flightplan again--now the line always appear even when the LPL approach is there.

I did a super clean reinstall of Plan-G witrh the latest version, and rebuit both FSX and FS9 databases. In the past I have had other issues with software and they seemed to be as a result of something to do with NETFRAME--maybe tat is what the closing error box is about. But Plan-G log files tell nothing. Does that sound plausible?

tim arnot

That sounds plausible. You'll probably need to look at the Windows logs with Event Viewer for more info on the crash - Plan-G can't easily report on its own demise, since it's already dead, IYSWIM.

Thanks also for the point about adding a waypoint. That might give me a clue to fixing the disappearing plan line.

Tim. @TimArnot


Well, we were right--the error box I am getting has something to do with NETFRAME. See PICS.

I started Plan-G and then closed it and immediately went to the Application log.

Should this be a concern for me? I mean, is Plan-G still running as it should even with this error at closing?


Well, this error box thing turns out is pretty dangerous!

I was creating a flight plan, adding and deleting sime uder waypoints, and suddenly the error box came up and I could not do anything but accept it, thus losing some of my work in the flight plan.

What now? -- save after every 2 or so actions??

I need to see if this NETFRAME thing can be resolved.

I attach PIC that shows the first screen of the Event Viewer description of this last crash, but there is a WHOLE lot more below it, of when just crash occured

tim arnot

You'll find the unsaved flight plan in My Documents\Plan-G Files, under a temporary filename. Plan-G autosaves the temp file every time you change something in the plan, and if you crash, it'll automatically load it when you restart.

Tim. @TimArnot



But critical also is some guidance about the cause of these NETFRAME issues. Any clue?

In past this has usually been the need for some NETFRAME fix or update. But I think I am current in this regard as far as Plan-=G fro XP is, concerned.

I got the following--see PICS

Please advise.