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P3d 2.5 and Database

Started by Pietrogramma, May 04, 2015, 01:30:55 AM

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Hi, I'm Pietro and I'm Italian.
I use Plan-g3 with X-plane v. 10.35 and P3d v 2.5
If when I generated the database with x-plane it take all Nav, Airport, Fix etc. with P3d 2.5 I have a problem
In the database generated with P3D there aren't many fix (I Live in sicily and in the P3d's database missing some fix like PIVOP and many other).
I checked if the Fix are in the Map of P3d and I saw that in the map of P3d the fix are show.
Thanks and by and sorry my bad Englesh :-)

tim arnot

First thing to check is that Plan-G is reading the correct scenery.cfg file - look in Build Options. Then look in the log file (Plan-G_Log.txt) and see if it finds the folder that contains your fixes - all the places it looks during the database are listed, with the number of fixes, airports etc that it finds.

Tim. @TimArnot


In my Build Option the link of the folder where there is scenery.cfg is correct (C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v2) and in the log.txt file I found the folder where was put the *.bgl file with the fixs update (c:\prepar\scenery\world\scenery\WorldINT.BGL) but I don't read the name of file with the update (WorldINT.BGL).
I got the fix's file with the update on internet (
I attach two screenshot the first with xplane database and the secondo with p3d database.
Thanks and bye-bye

tim arnot

This is an addon bgl? Plan-G may not recognise it as an AFCAD, in which case putting an AF2 prefix on the filename should make it recognise it. I'll check the filed from that site and make sure they're recognised in the next update.

Tim. @TimArnot


Quote from: tim arnot on May 06, 2015, 02:31:17 PM
This is an addon bgl? Plan-G may not recognise it as an AFCAD, in which case putting an AF2 prefix on the filename should make it recognise it. I'll check the filed from that site and make sure they're recognised in the next update.

If I understand I must rename the file WorldINT.BGL in WorldINT.AF2? If yes, where I must put the new file WorldINT.AF2?

tim arnot

No, PREFIX. So AF2_WorldINT.bgl. Leave it where it is. It just identifies the bgl as being an afcad so Plan_G will read it.

Tim. @TimArnot