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Can't see other users with X-Plane

Started by mgschultz, July 10, 2015, 04:48:08 AM

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When flying X-Plane I have no issues connecting to X-Plane. I see myself fine. But I don't see other online pilots on the same network. Any idea why.


No not IVAO. Two different systems, one an FSD server similar to VATSIM and the second is Dafsim. Works great with FSX but not with X-Plane 10.

Thanks for the help anyway though

tim arnot

Plan-G gets its traffic from the sim, not the MP server, so the first question is do you see regular AI traffic when flying single user?

(VATSIM is an exception - there's a separate connection to the VATSIM server, and that traffic is shown in blue rather than red)

Tim. @TimArnot


Yes when flying off-line I see AI traffic. When flying online I see none. I'm new to X-Plane (relatively) but as I understand it, it will not display AI if you'r online, only multiplayer traffic on the network. But I see none. Not a big deal, but would be nice to see. I'll post on the X-Plane forums and see if they have an answer over there. Sorry it took so long for me to respond and thanks for the help.

tim arnot

It may be that traffic injected from outside the sim gets handled differently. Possibly it's not getting passed to XPUIPC, or XPUIPC isn't passing it to Plan-G. There may be a setting (I have a vague recollection that FSUIPC in FSX required a "TCAS" option to be enabled in order to pass on external traffic.)

Tim. @TimArnot


Thanks Tim I'll check that out......the X-Plane forums have no information, try as they may to help. But thanks for this I'll check it out tonight and post back the results.  :)