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Plan-G v3.1 not starting

Started by lordofwings, August 18, 2015, 07:54:46 PM

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I have v3.1 installed on my computer but when I try to start it nothing happens. I tried executing it from the command line in hopes of seeing some console error messages but nothing. It simply lives for about a few milliseconds and then exits without giving ANY error at all.

tim arnot


Have you made sure that your DotNet libraries are completely up to date? That's usually the cause of an immediate shutdown.

Tim. @TimArnot


No command line option that would show me an exception of some kind? Which .NET version does It expect? I reinstalled Plan-G and it did not give me any error regarding missing .net libraries.

Due to problems I had to uninstall .NET 4.0 but I have 4.5 and 4.5.1 installed. If I attempt to install 4.0 it says "Your installation will not happen. The same or HIGHER version is already installed".

Is there any way I can map to 4.5 on the configuration file? neither 2.0, nor 3.0 nor 3.1 run on my computer now.

tim arnot

Libraries are unlikely to be missing or it wouldn't start at all, just out of date, Microsoft issues a patch, it breaks stuff. They issue another patch that fixes it. You need the latest patches. You still didn't say what OS, so I can't say what version of DotNet.

Tim. @TimArnot


Running Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bits. Running the latest s/w updates from Microsoft. I have .NET 4.5.1 and 4.5. Tried to install 4.0 and it says it won't install it because I already have that or a newer version.

Is there a way to remap that to 4.5? or perhaps have a 4.5 build? This was my favorite planner but has stopped working.

With my Visual Studio I also noticed that anything below 4.5 simply WILL NOT compile on my system. I tried with a simple default application (default form) and configured for 3.5 and 4.0 and it would just hang forever. When I changed it to 4.5 or 4.5.1 it compiled.

tim arnot

The "W7" version is a DotNet 4.5 build. The "XP" version is DotNet 4.0 (and deprecated, cos it's a right PITA having to maintain 2 sets of source code, and XP is down to 3% of the user base, on number of downloads)

If you haven't already, try the 3.1.3 beta - that was built against the most recent W7 updates for 4.5.0

Tim. @TimArnot