[P3D] V3 : Plan-G V3.1 database and Navigraph data discrepancies

Started by Patrice_fs9, November 10, 2015, 10:19:25 AM

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I am using P3D V3 and I have built the database (Plan-G 3.1.2)

I updated the P3D data with most recent data (cycle 1511) from Navigraph . I am using Aerosoft airbus as liner.

I have seen some discrepancies between the data from Navigraph and yours:

example: In Dublin EIDW, the ILS/DME from Navigraph is 111.35 Mhz, the one of Plan-G is 108.1.

So, the data from Plan-G are not reliable.

Do you expect soon to get the nav data from Navigraph in order to get the right data?



tim arnot

If you install the Navigraph update for X-Plane, Plan-G can use that. (you don't need X-Plane to use the data, although you may have to recreate some of the directory structure).

Switching between  FS9/FSX/P3D/X-Plane in Plan-G only tells it which database to use, it does not affect general functionality.

Tim. @TimArnot


Can I assume by your comments that could also use a Navigraph database in FSX also?

If so, how?


tim arnot

Only if you have an FMS-type device that's designed to use Navigraph data - such as the high-end Boeing/Airbus sims, or certain add-on GPSs. I'm not aware of any products that globally update data in the core sim.

Tim. @TimArnot


Thanks Tim,
I realize that I misstated my question.  I meant using Navigraph data as a replacement for the Plan-G database. 

However, I did some additional forum searches and the answer appears to be "not at this time".


tim arnot

If you install Navigraph for X-Plane, that replaces the default X-Plane data, and Plan-G will use it (assuming you either have X-Plane installed or are using a fake X-Plane.exe file so that Plan-G can find the data). Plan-G is completely agnostic when it comes to mixing sims and databases - it really doesn't care. But you should be aware that there can be a mismatch between the indicated position of an aircraft relative to a navaid in Plan-G and the sim under those circumstances.

Tim. @TimArnot


Thanks for the explanation..

I'm a FSX user, but it looks like the fake xplane.exe thing is worth exploring.
