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Upgraded to New Ver, Lost My Settings

Started by aggrav8, November 26, 2015, 05:26:41 AM

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I just upgraded from Plan-G v3.0.1.71 to v3.1.2.101 and discovered that none of my settings were propagated.  Must I reenter them from scratch?  I expected that the earlier version's settings would be carried forward.

Best Regards, Gary Granath


They don't. An old version of settings may be in  C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\TA_Software\Plan-G3.exe_HASHCODE\VERSION#

Where in the final \Plan-G3.exe_HASHCODE\ resides folder names of past versions. You could try to copy your old user.config from the old version# folder to the new version# folder - but back up the original user.config 1st. I do similar (copy user.config to desktop) before upgrading because I have to use the user.config across 4 machines, it makes it sooo much easier.
