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Plan-G behaving weird

Started by andresico, December 08, 2015, 07:54:37 PM

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My Plan-G has startes behaving strange.

*) Sometimes it wont display all airports. I just installed a new airport which wasnt in the FSX database and ran the 'build navigation base'. The airport showed up, but others had disappeared.

*) Sometimes Plan-G doesnt show airport information like ILS etc.

*) Sometimes it wont connect, or it will connect to FSX data while using P3D and visa versa.

I have tried an uninstall and a new install, but that didnt change anything. Is there some file that is not deleted when uninstalling.

I´m using Win7 64bit, FSX-SE, P3Dv2, correct fsuipc.

Help will be appreciated because Plan-G has become part of my daily routine.  ;)

tim arnot

If things don't get drawn (presuming that you're at a zoom level configured to show them), the simplest thing to do is go to the View ribbon and toggle "Show Overlays". This is the equivalent to "turn it off and on again."

If settings have got generally buggered up, the thing to do is delete the config file, and let Plan-G build a new one. Uninstalling the program doesn't ever achieve much beyond using up a bunch of time. It won't delete the config. If you delete the config, you will have to reenter your connection details, program paths etc. You will not have to rebuild the databases.

Tim. @TimArnot


Thanks for the answer

Could you specify where i can find that config file?
If I look in the Plan-G folder, the only one i can find is called Plan-G3.exe.config and if i delete that, Plan-G wont start.

tim arnot

From the readme:

Settings are stored in a config file which you will find in C:\Users\<me>\AppData\Local\TA_Software\Plan-G3<Magic Number>\<version number>\

Tim. @TimArnot


So, I have tried all the things that has been suggested.
Plan G keeps on not showing all airports, and yes, I have used the right zoom and all airports are ticked on the map page.
I´m not a Plan-G expert, but I have used the program a lot, so I´m not a newbie either.

In some regions like France, its pretty bad with only 50% of the airports/airfields showing up. I deleted the config file and I did make a data base rebuild making sure all scenery was ticked. It aplies for both FSX-SE and P3Dv2.5

Finally, I did get the hint about the readme. To this i will only say that I have read the manual when i installed the program and I did have a look before posting here. I didnt find the line that was posted above this post. Maybe I´m to stupid. On the other hand, I dont understand why using these hints ???


tim arnot

How many pixels wide is your screen display? Look in the log file for lines like "Too many airports"

Tim. @TimArnot