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FSX locks up when using plan-G

Started by rinkerbuck, December 04, 2009, 09:31:14 PM

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Trying to troubleshoot this issue. I can run plan-g and FSX for 10minutes to a few hours before it makes FSX lockup. I run plan-g on one monitor and FSX in windowed mode on another. When plan-g doesn't make FSX hard lock (sounds keeps going, never happens if i don't load plan-g), it does slow my fps immensely sometimes also. I'm wondering if running it on a separate computer and connecting to FSX over the network would alleviate this. I searched for "lock" and "lockups" on the forums and couldn't find any references to this. It would be strange if I am the only one having this problem.

I have Win XP pro 64bit, AMD Phenom 9550, 4gb of RAM. FSX deluxe with accel.


Quote from: rinkerbuck on December 04, 2009, 09:31:14 PM
Trying to troubleshoot this issue. I can run plan-g and FSX for 10minutes to a few hours before it makes FSX lockup. I run plan-g on one monitor and FSX in windowed mode on another. When plan-g doesn't make FSX hard lock (sounds keeps going, never happens if i don't load plan-g), it does slow my fps immensely sometimes also. I'm wondering if running it on a separate computer and connecting to FSX over the network would alleviate this. I searched for "lock" and "lockups" on the forums and couldn't find any references to this. It would be strange if I am the only one having this problem.

I have Win XP pro 64bit, AMD Phenom 9550, 4gb of RAM. FSX deluxe with accel.

I run Win7 Pro 64 bit in about the same config as you and have no issues.  I've not done anything with XP 64 bit.

tim arnot

I've not heard of anyone else having this problem. Are you connected to FSX, and if so, are you using SimConnect or FSUIPC? What is the nature of your flight plan, if you have one? Are there any errors reported in the log file? How much 'clutter' do you have displayed (airspace, airports, navaids etc?)

Tim. @TimArnot


Quote from: tim arnot on December 05, 2009, 01:14:26 AM
I've not heard of anyone else having this problem. Are you connected to FSX, and if so, are you using SimConnect or FSUIPC? What is the nature of your flight plan, if you have one? Are there any errors reported in the log file? How much 'clutter' do you have displayed (airspace, airports, navaids etc?)

I have FSUIPC but I have it set to connect by auto, and yeah it locks up FSX only when connected to FSX. It happens with and without a flight plan. I run with a fair degree of clutter. Where is the log file? I've also had plan g crash itself to desktop a couple times.


Quote from: rinkerbuck on December 05, 2009, 01:39:55 AM
Where is the log file?

It's in the Plan-G directory:Plan-G_log.txt. You can delete it before running Plan-G, so it will only record for the current session.

- Jeff Schallenberg
Mont Saint Hilaire, Québec

FSX SP2, Windows 7, AMD FX-62, Nvidia GTX550ti


I have the exactly the same problem.
My configuration is:
Pentium D; CPU 3.60GHz; RAM 2.00GB; Two LCD monitors (1 running FSX, 1 running Plan-G); Windows XP Professional w/SP2; FSX w/SP2; FSUIPC dll.
When occurs, and it occurs everytimes I use Plan-G, it is complete, let me say, I need to restart the computer at all.

tim arnot

I've got half a theory, but it'll have to wait for the log files to confirm it (or otherwise)...

Tim. @TimArnot


I'm about to delete my log file and run plan-g and will post it here if and when i get a lockup. I should probably add that while I said FSX "hard locks" I can still move the mouse, and I can go to task manager and close the program, then restart FSX and plan g and continue if i want to.

Also, I tried changing connect by auto to connect specifically by simconnect, and (knock on wood) plan-g didn't lock up FSX during a couple hours of use. I'll try again tonight and see what happens. Also another culprit I need to fix is I am running very low on free hard drive space and personally I don't feel its fair to knock on this program having bugs till I clear up some more space. Overall I am really liking this software. The only thing I wish it did is show VFR obstacles and some other stuff you'd find on sectionals.

tim arnot

It's the wee small hours here, so I'm about to hit the sack, but that tends to support my thought. We'll see in the morning.

It'll do VFR obstacles, but you'll have to add them yourself (I don't have lists of everything across the whole world  ;)). If you do make your own, why not upload them here for others to download...  ;D

Tim. @TimArnot


Well, things have improved a bit. I played FSX for several hours yesterday with plan-g running concurrently and didnt get a lockup.. however, I did get one finally. It happened when i clicked over to my second monitor that runs plan-g to select an AI plane, then clicked back over to FSX quickly. I don't know if that caused it directly, but maybe it just didn't like that. Also this was just after I felt safe enough to let FSX run unpaused when I task switched. I guess I will change that back to pause when switching. Also I made about 20gb of free space on my hard drive and did a full defrag. I checked the log file and it doesn't show any errors at the end, although i did see some AI plane debug errors in the middle of the file. Also plan-g seems to lose its connection to FSX after awhile, the plan icon stops updating even though it says its still connected, and i have to disconnect and reconnect, also the program seems to generally run slower and slower the longer i run it till I have to restart it or it bogs down my FSX when it redraws stuff.


Rofl that's the infamous CTD (crash to desktop bug) that haunts FSX in all OS'es. Besides the fact i still have a turtle called pentium D, it's the 2nd reason why i still use FS9.

Yes, I really, really hate that infamous "right-click-on-FSX-window" CTD bug..


Quote from: iriki on December 07, 2009, 08:21:14 PM
Rofl that's the infamous CTD (crash to desktop bug) that haunts FSX in all OS'es. Besides the fact i still have a turtle called pentium D, it's the 2nd reason why i still use FS9.

Yes, I really, really hate that infamous "right-click-on-FSX-window" CTD bug..

It actually doesn't CTD. The screen just locks up. No error message or "crash". Just stops.

tim arnot

Please upload a typical flight plan that might exibit the symptoms, and a description of how the flight is carried out, and I'll see if I can reproduce it.

Tim. @TimArnot



I also experience FSX crashes when using Plan-G. In my case, FSX doesn't CTD but rather stops running and Windows 7 displays a message saying it is attempting to find a solution (it never does!). A few seconds later, FSX reports (or Windows 7 reports) that FSX is restarting. Its an annoying issue and if this helps, here are the last few lines of Plan-G's log file:

11:07:12 PM WEATHER OBSERVATION: %sEGWU&A37 222218Z 09701KT&D957NG 24617KT&A1797NG 24717KT&A1816NG 25719KT&A1963NG 23720KT&A2983NG 23620KT&A3002NG 24324KT&A5457NG 24324KT&A5476NG 22727KT&A5963NG 22727KT&A5995NG 22627KT&A6014NG 27036KT&A9117NG 26936KT&A9136NG 100KM&B-485&D3047 6CI392&CI000FLVN000N 11/04 05/-1&A871 05/-2&A890 00/-8&A1795 -1/-8&A1814 -9/-16&A2981 -9/-16&A3000 -25/-32&A5415 -25/-32&A5434 -49/-49&A11855 -49/-49&A11874 Q1018 @@@ 60 0 246 17 | 61 -1 247 17 | 66 -2 257 19 | 99 -9 237 20 | 100 -9 236 20 | 180 -25 243 24 | 181 -25 243 24 | 197 -27 227 27 | 198 -27 227 27 | 199 -27 226 27 | 300 -39 270 36 | 301 -39 269 36 |
11:11:08 PM WEATHER OBSERVATION: %sEGRB&A4 222218Z 29904KT&D921NG 08019KT&A1830NG 08119KT&A1902NG 05319KT&A1985NG 05319KT&A1996NG 05120KT&A3016NG 04820KT&A3088NG 04920KT&A3171NG 06924KT&A5490NG 05225KT&A5562NG 30927KT&A5645NG 23933KT&A5996NG 23233KT&A6028NG 23934KT&A6100NG 23934KT&A6183NG 24260KT&A9150NG 23560KT&A9222NG 23560KT&A9305NG 11KM&B-499&D1000 32KM&B500&D200 48KM&B700&D200 64KM&B900&D300 64KM&B1200&D300 80KM&B1500&D20000 CLR 04/02 -2/-4&A904 -2/-4&A976 -3/-5&A1059 -9/-10&A1828 -9/-11&A1900 -10/-12&A1983 -17/-19&A3014 -18/-20&A3086 -19/-20&A3169 -35/-37&A5448 -35/-37&A5520 -36/-38&A5603 -49/-49&A11888 -49/-49&A11960 -49/-49&A12043 Q1029 @@@ 60 -9 80 19 | 63 -9 81 19 | 65 -10 53 19 | 66 -10 53 19 | 99 -17 51 20 | 101 -18 48 20 | 104 -19 49 20 | 180 -35 69 24 | 183 -36 52 25 | 185 -36 309 27 | 197 -36 239 33 | 198 -37 232 33 | 200 -37 239 34 | 203 -37 239 34 | 300 -43 242 60 | 303 -43 235 60 | 305 -44 235 60 |
11:15:03 PM WEATHER OBSERVATION: %sEGKB&A183 222218Z 05201KT&D956NG 19316KT&A1652NG 20019KT&A1818NG 20019KT&A1830NG 20120KT&A2838NG 20120KT&A3016NG 20724KT&A5312NG 24824KT&A5490NG 24626KT&A5818NG 22827KT&A5850NG 27627KT&A6028NG 27736KT&A8972NG 27537KT&A9150NG 100KM&B-631&D3047 2CU051&CU000FHVN000N 6CI387&CI000FLVN000N 11/04 05/-1&A726 04/-2&A904 00/-7&A1650 -1/-9&A1828 -8/-15&A2836 -9/-17&A3014 -25/-32&A5270 -26/-33&A5448 -49/-49&A11710 -49/-49&A11888 Q1018 @@@ 60 0 193 16 | 66 -1 200 19 | 66 -1 200 19 | 99 -8 201 20 | 105 -10 201 20 | 180 -25 207 24 | 186 -26 248 24 | 197 -27 246 26 | 198 -27 228 27 | 204 -28 276 27 | 300 -39 277 36 | 306 -40 275 37 |

This happened during a VFR flight from EGLL to LFPG using real weather (REX's weather engine). I use two monitors connected to the flightsim computer one on which Plan-G is displayed and a second networked computer which runs other programs i.e., Radar Contact. Hope this helps and if it doesn't, then I'd be pleased to provide other information to assist in the resolution of the issue.

Sincere thanks for this wonderful utility.

Regards, Jean-Jacques
CYND Ottawa / Gatineau
Gatineau, Québec, Canada


I did a clean install of windows 7, updated all drivers, and am still having problems. I don't get anymore lockups in FSX, but now plan-g just crashes to desktop "encountered a problem" about every hour of use. I run plan-g on a second monitor (right monitor) and FSX on my left, windowed mode. Nvidia BFG 9800GT 512mb video.