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Cannot setup database - P3D v3, Windows 10, Networked Enviornment

Started by marknumskull, April 21, 2016, 02:29:08 PM

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I've been trying for several days now without success to get Plan-G setup and has yet have had no success.

I have read several related threads but none of the solutions suggested have worked.

A bit of info on my environment:

  • Windows 10
  • Networked on a domain
  • Documents folder is a network folder
  • I am an administrator

Things I've tried:

  • Uninstalling & re-installing, including deleting the Plan-G Files folder which contains the databases
  • Running as administrator always
  • Disabling my network adapter to force it to store db files on local disk
  • Signing into the computer directly (not using domain) and installing there to eliminate potential domain issues, this means the documents folder is on C: not the network share
  • Switching off windows indexing to ensure nothing else is holding onto the database

What happens is that I open the application, as Admin, click on the build db button, select p3d and then select my p3d location & scenary config file. I then build and 1 of 2 things will happen

  • Hangs on preparing database
  • Gets past preparing, reads scenery files then hangs on writing x intersections

The log is filled with database in use errors so this is obv what the issue is. Has anyone got any ideas how I can get round this, it looks like an awesome piece of software and I'm busting to try it out!

I should also mention, I have one bit of custom ORBX scenery added, in case this may impact anything?


sky one

Hello Mark,
I don't know how to fix your problem, but I may have a workaround: you could install Plan-G on the P3D PC, build the DB and copy it on the other PC.

X-plane user



Thanks for the reply, I should have added, this is on the same PC as P3D, it's just my docs folder which is on the network share.

If I theoretically can just copy the files over, as a last resort I was thinking, would I be able to use someone else's p3d database, does anyone know where I could get one?


sky one

Hi Mark,
my mistake: you wrote about just the Documents on the network share, but I didn't read it.

You surely use a DB generated from another user but... you will not have all data coming from *your* sceneries and add-ons. Where to find it? Just hope that someone reading this could share it with you...

A couple of question:
1) is your document folder mapped as a network drive?
2) could you attach the log file? (Tha fact that the log is generated means that Plan-G can reach the Documents folder... Are we sure we're inspecting in the right direction?).

X-plane user



So i've tried running a few times with fresh installs but cannot get past "Preparing database....", there is a .net exception at the very end of the log.


tim arnot

Try deleting the three PlanG3_???.sdf files (don't copy over new ones) then do the database build. I've had reports that cures it. The error is that it can't delete the old file in order to build the new one. So if the files are already deleted . . . (delete all three, not just the P3D database file)

With Orbx scenery, you need to add the Orbx scenery folders to the "Additional scenery locations" list (click Settings on the build dialog). This is because FTX Central removes inactive regions from the scenery.config, meaning Plan-G would never see them. But that's something you can worry about after you've got the basic build working.

Tim. @TimArnot



Yeah I was clearing out the entire Plan-G Files folder before running the builds so all databases were removed prior to kicking off the builds, I ran 3 times and got the same result every time. Unless it's holding onto an old reference to the database somewhere.

I'll try removing and clearing from recycle bin just to make sure.


tim arnot

When my new PC is up and running, I'll be putting P3D on it, so I can investigate first hand. It may take a little while though.

Tim. @TimArnot


I'd be happy to let you connect to my PC with TeamViewer over the weekend if it helps with debugging? I can PM with details.
