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Started by Martien van Rooten, June 16, 2016, 02:00:31 PM

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Martien van Rooten

My problem concerns radials
I use W7, FSX and plan-g

I create .csv files for the FD-FMC by Francois Dore. I use this plan-g.
On a STAR-map is e.g. indicated the radials of a VOR to a waypoint. E.g. VOR "CDP" to waypoint "Lunik".On the map you'll find R-357.In plan-g I go on VOR "CDP". Right click, Show Radial,enter 357 with a distance.Now the radial about waypoint Lunik.But the radial goes to the left of waypoint Lunik.This happens in all cases that I try this.Can anyone tell me what is going on.

Martien van rooten


It's the Magnetic Deviation of FS . Back when the FS database (hence plan-G too) was made, the MagDev of CDP was 0.3*W. The actual current MagDev of CDP is 1.633*W ( slaved + MagDev ). Using the charted bearing/distance with FS MagDev the resulting point is 1.2 NM off. Adjusting for the chart (1.6333 - 0.3) + 357 results in the bearing point only 1000 feet off.

Using "current" charts for bearing/distance will always be off due to the changing real world MagDev.
Sources - ( Chart ) - ( Nav Data )

You "could" update the FS navigation database and subsequently rerun the Plan-G database to provide up to date nav/MagDev information. 

Martien van Rooten

For FD-FMC should I use the original data of fsx.
The new waypoints are regularly added to fsx.
It is sufficient to replace the file magdec.bgl by a magdec.bgl of 2016 (Hervé Sors)?

Martien van Rooten

I have the file "FSX & P3D NAVAIDS" downloaded from I have everything selected by region and "Magvar table " geselecteerd.In total of 250 files are updated.
FSX then started and stopped. Then in Plan-G created a new database. After all this go radials still left of the waypoints passed.

tim arnot

Plan-G has its own magdec tables. Changing FSX is not going to change Plan-G in this regard.

Tim. @TimArnot

Martien van Rooten

Is there a factor,that I can use,to get the right radials.

tim arnot

Not currently. Don't forget, Plan-G is not aimed at IFR pilots flying big tin, and only has limited support for IFR protocols based on the core sim.

Tim. @TimArnot

Martien van Rooten

I now know enough.
Thanks for the explanation.