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lost map

Started by, August 03, 2016, 05:01:50 PM

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I have lost map. Showing MapQuest. Airports are showing

ow to get map back?

Thank You,


tim arnot

Go into Options and change map provider.

Tim. @TimArnot

Thank You,

Really enjoy what you have done, gives more about where you are and where to go.
Thanks for making my flight simulation so much more enjoyable.



Is there any chance we're getting some other map source to display the terraing elevation/shape? Would be usefull when planning a trip in a mountainous area. Currently I'm on my way from europe to asia in a GA, and I was going to visit the famous Lukla (VNLK) but now I don't know how to plot a course there and/or fly in the area at all :-/

Guess I'll have to fight my way through with Skyvector, but it doesn't have the data from my simulator nor has it an export -option and those are the two things I like the most in Plan-G


Try, it's fully supported by Plan-G.


Well, that looks like just what I'm after.

Unfortunately it seems that either hell will freeze over or my computer fly out of the window (without a flightplan) before I get anything done with mapbox. All the help I can find for it aims to do something nice, pretty, complex, versatile and feature-rich stuff, and all I would need is just a ID and key for a basic map.


I don't think the hell has freezed and my computer is still below the desk, but I used my day at work to figure this out and I'll write it down here so that maybe someone else doesn't have to. I don't know if this is the right way, but by googling I found some direct links and I got it working.

1) Create an account at, the free license will do

2) Go to On the right you will see Acess token, your default acces token is:, and a long code below it. Copypaste the code to notepad or wherever

3) Go to Select preferred map type in left upper corner (satellite or emerald were the best for me to see the terrain) and click save at the top of the screen

EDIT 3.12.2016: That page tells it will change in 31.1.2017 but the maps made earlier will still work. The will propably be also some changes to the map creating process, we'll see.

4) Go to and you will see your map ID (yourusername.xxxxxx)

Now, in Plan-G, insert Mapbox ID, the one you got in part 4^, and Key is the token which you found in the part 2^

Exit Plan-G, restart it and you should be ok


Hi PDrill,
thank you for sharing the information on mapbox. My new Plan-G map (emerald) looks perfect.



Hello PDrill,

Thank you very much for sharing your Mapbox instructions. I was up and running in no time.

I prefer "street" style as it has the best contracts for airports. Ideally I would like the airport presentation as in OpenStreetMap. Anyway, now I have to figure out how to add the terrain from "emerald" to the "street" style.

X-Plane 11.25, Plan-G

Tight Git

Can I just clarify the MapQuest situation, please?

I'm using MapQuest with PlanG and no problems, so is there any reason to change?

tim arnot

Quote from: Tight Git on August 16, 2016, 04:17:03 PM
Can I just clarify the MapQuest situation, please?

I'm using MapQuest with PlanG and no problems, so is there any reason to change?

Mapquest no longer supply map tiles. Any Mapquest tiles you are still seeing are coming from your local cache. When the cache expires, the tiles will not be replaced and you will need to switch provider.

Tim. @TimArnot

Tight Git


What format should the data be in?
In plan-G I see mapbox 1 and mapbox to
I tried every possible co9mbination: map-id, delimiter , or ; followed by access token.
Plan-G keeps coming up with exception. External server returnesa (400) message.

tim arnot

Don't include delimiters. 1st parameter is map-id (e.g. outdoors or satellite), 2nd is your access token

Tim. @TimArnot



Thanks, PDrill. I tried to use Mapbox before but couldn't work it out at all.

You made it easy as pie.

I am using Emerald style. Not bad for roads and great for rivers but no railways so far and topographical details are scanty.
Has anyone tried creating their own style?  On the face of it a daunting challenge but maybe there's an easy way...
