
Thou shalt confirm thine airspeed on final, lest the earth rise up and smite thee. (pre-landing checklist, v1)

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lost map

Started by, August 03, 2016, 05:01:50 PM

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Tight Git

Good afternoon Mr Arnot,

Sorry, back again with another map problem.

After MapQuest stopped working, on your advice changed to Streetmap.

Have just flown EBBR to EGKK and area NW of Brussels not available.

Are there many areas not available with Streetmap, please?

If so, which map supplier do you recommend?

Despite my user name, I'm happy to pay if necessary!

Thank you.


Thanks PDrill for the Mapbox info, it was very helpful  :)


Thankyou for the guidance to Mapbox, works fine after I updated to v.
The 3.1.2 version did not have the key box, that confused me for a while.  :)
Greetings  Kurt



Trying to set this up and it appears successful, I have the key and code.  I have entered this into Plan G but when I go to the map view I have rows of tiles which says "exception: the remote server returned an error 403 forbidden, you don't have imagery at zoom level for this scenery".  I've tried zooming out but it appears like this all over the globe?

Damn, think I've broken something now because when I go back to OpenStreetmap setting its doing the same thing?  Seems I've broken it now full stop.  Help!

Any ideas? 


tim arnot

There will be an update next week sometime (hopefully) to resolve the OSM issue.

Tim. @TimArnot


Great stuff, Tim! 

Thanks for all your efforts.



Quote from: Tofino on August 31, 2016, 07:15:04 PM
Thankyou for the guidance to Mapbox, works fine after I updated to v.
The 3.1.2 version did not have the key box, that confused me for a while.  :)
Greetings  Kurt

No wonder I couldn't figure this out.  Very frustrating.  I clicked on Check for Updates and it says my version is up-to-date, which is obviously wrong.

I'll go to the website and see if I can pick up this version of the update which has the correct boxes.



Yeah....all is good now...thanks to those instructions and having the correct version of Plan-G installed.

tim arnot

There was no update flag set because technically 3.1.3 is only a beta, and it's not available for Win XP. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Tim. @TimArnot


Emphasis on the EXIT PLAN-G - I woud get 401 unauthorised errors until I did this. Thanks for the instructions PDrill!!

Quote from: PDrill on August 08, 2016, 04:39:45 PM
I don't think the hell has freezed and my computer is still below the desk, but I used my day at work to figure this out and I'll write it down here so that maybe someone else doesn't have to. I don't know if this is the right way, but by googling I found some direct links and I got it working.

1) Create an account at, the free license will do

2) Go to On the right you will see Acess token, your default acces token is:, and a long code below it. Copypaste the code to notepad or wherever

3) Go to Select preferred map type in left upper corner (satellite or emerald were the best for me to see the terrain) and click save at the top of the screen

4) Go to and you will see your map ID (yourusername.xxxxxx)

Now, in Plan-G, insert Mapbox ID, the one you got in part 4^, and Key is the token which you found in the part 2^

Exit Plan-G, restart it and you should be ok

tim arnot

"Outdoors" is a pretty nice map too imho. :)

Tim. @TimArnot


Hi guys,
Newbie to the forum here. I was so disappointed when sat maps no longer available on Plan G I joined the forum to find out what to do about it.
Tried Pilot2ATC: great map, but program is not yet evolved enough to be worth the AUD$80 (IMO)!
All I really wanted was a good map for Plan G. Thanks to previous posts (sorry, forgot who, but you are a hero) I have now installed MapBox per instructions, and I am a happy simmer again.
Tim, you have done a great job with Plan G and you can see that by all your many followers. Keep up the good work - I am totally a fan!

Egbert Drenth

I must be extremely dim but I can't get mapbox to work.
I have my token, a long guid starting with pk...... and I have a map ID: username.1bifalik

Where/how am I supposed to enter the values?
I have a Mapbox1, and a Mapbox2 textbox, preceded with 2 radio buttons.
When I put the mapId in mapbox1 textbox and my token in mapbox2, it doesn't work.

Shoud I put both in mapbox1 textbox? Should there be a space in between, or should they be separated by a ; or......?

tim arnot

Quote from: Egbert Drenth on September 09, 2016, 06:19:44 PM
I must be extremely dim but I can't get mapbox to work.
I have my token, a long guid starting with pk...... and I have a map ID: username.1bifalik

Where/how am I supposed to enter the values?
I have a Mapbox1, and a Mapbox2 textbox, preceded with 2 radio buttons.
When I put the mapId in mapbox1 textbox and my token in mapbox2, it doesn't work.

Shoud I put both in mapbox1 textbox? Should there be a space in between, or should they be separated by a ; or......?

Restart Plan-G after you put in the values.

Tim. @TimArnot

Egbert Drenth

"...after you put in the values."

That was my question  ;)
Where do I put in the values?
I have one textbox (either mapbox1 or mapbox2) for 2 values.
How should I enter them? With a space in between, like [mapId] [accessToken] or  [mapId];[accessToken], or...