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KMZ question

Started by rich12545, August 14, 2016, 08:15:18 PM

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Hi, I imported an orbx kmz file into my Plan-G program.  Win10, FSXSE.  It seemed to work fine and indicated many files were imported.  However, they don't show up in Plan-G.  I think it's probably some setting that needs to be changed but I have no clue.  Can you please help? 

tim arnot

Tim. @TimArnot


tim arnot

Can you send me the kMZ file? tim (at) tasoftware dot co dot uk

Tim. @TimArnot

tim arnot

Thanks. It opens fine here. What exactly happens when you try to open it? Do you get an error? Does the map at least reposition to show Norway? Do you have the P and M boxes ticked in the ribbon?

Tim. @TimArnot


It opens fine here too.  It does not reposition.  But the main thing is that it doesn't show anything.  My understanding is it should show things like unlisted airports and points of interest the same as a csv file.  I had previously imported the Norway KMZ file and Plan-G acknowledged the import of the files just like when I import a csv file.  But nothing shows up in Norway in Plan-G to indicate anything was there.  The p and m boxes are ticked.

tim arnot

Yup. Exactly that.
Is the problem just with this file, or do all KMZs fail to show?

[smg id=37]
(click to enlarge)

Tim. @TimArnot


I just made a screenie of Norway and PNG but don't see how I can post them.  Insert image doesn't seem to do anything.  I need an eight year old kid to show me.  Crap.  Anyway both images are the same as if I had opened Plan-G without the KMZ file.  Neither looked anything like your pic.  So it looks like I'll either need to install google earth or just keep using csv files.  This is really a very minor concern.  I appreciate you looking at it.