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stuttering when connection is on

Started by altack, September 22, 2016, 10:26:43 AM

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I recently installed a few sceneries (FlyTampa Corfu v1.0 & Turbulent Designs 2O3 Angwin, both gorgeous !) and updated FSUIPC (v4.956) and ASN (B6107) to my smooth P3D v3.2 rig.
Before that PlanG (v3.1.3.113) was running splendidely but now, every time I hit the connect button, I encounter light to moderate stuttering !
the stuttering disappear as soon as I disconnect PlanG !
I reverted to FSUIPC v4.955c and tried to narrow the culprit (trying both Simconnect and FSUIPC connection, with or without ASN, etc..) but to no avail:
the stutter is always present when PlanG is connected...
Any help would be more than appreciated since I like very much PlanG and don't want to use another moving map utility.


Maybe try -
In options/weather, untick "Update Local".
In options/traffic & user aircraft, turn down refresh rate. AI traffic, if you have a lot running, is a large data request. By adjusting AI traffic refresh rate you may also see the stuttering following the refresh rate. That will pinpoint it.

Since you tried FSUIPC (requires registered) you may want to use the logging facilities to see what data is causing the stutter. FSUIPC | Logging tab - on the left side check; "IPC Reads", "IPC Writes" & "Send to console window" (dos box). When done, clear all the checkboxes or click "Stop".     


Thanks for your answer !
"update local" was already unticked but I unticked the "download from NWS"
I also set the AI traffic refresh to 60 sec (iso 30 sec).
Since I've got the registered FSUIPC I used the debug consol as per your recommandation.
Honestly: no change ! same stutters, no relevant info on the debug consol (except that my fps is according to my settings (19.8 fps averaged for 20 targeted) and that max AI traffic was only 4 aircrafts).
Any more inputs ?

tim arnot

What spec is your PC? And does performance monitor show anything maxing out (CPU, memory, disc etc)?

Tim. @TimArnot


Hi Tim,
thanks for your time and efforts, PlanG is definetly a great piece of software !
About my rig, I use a non OC i7-4790 on a ASUS Z87-A mobo with 16 Gb RAM under Win7 64 Pro (french).
I use nVidia surround on a 5760x1080 triple display (GTX 780ti video card) for the VC+another 1440x900 display for PlanG on the same videocard+ a 1366x768 display on an extra nVidia GT610 videocard (for FMS or whatever use).
On the siming side: P3D v3.2.3.16769 with registered FSUIPC v4.955c+ Orbx Global base 1.40/Global Vector 1.45/Open LC Europe 1.2/Open LC North America 1.15+Hifi ASN SP5 (B6107) (not used for the test below).
Numerous airplanes and scenery add-ons (mostly Orbx and Aerosoft sceneries, A2A, JustFlight and Aerosoft airplanes...).
When running P3D (20fps limited) the perf monitoring shows clearly that the Core #0 is fully used but as soon as PlanG is kicked in the Core use is somehow disrupted (see image below, the red arrow marks the time PlanG is activated

Does it make sense ?

tim arnot

Try turning off some of the optional data streams - sim weather, traffic etc, see what that does.

Tim. @TimArnot


Hi Tim,
no joy by turning off the optionnal data streams !
I eventualy found a way to overcome the stuttering : the #0 CPU was too heavily used whereas the others were almost idling.
Thanks to another FS Forum thread, I learned about "Process Explorer" wich make possible to switch off or on any CPU on the fly.
A 10 seconds "off then on" reset on #0 CPU allows a much more equal workload on all CPUs.
Then the stutter is almost unnoticeable when PlanG is involved.
I didn't go on the "affinity mask" tweak on the P3D.cfg so far.
Best regards,