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Test version * NEW 08/10/2017 *

Started by tim arnot, October 21, 2016, 12:20:44 PM

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Hi Tim,

i have loaded the 124 build and the database is now created in XP11.
Thanks a lot for now, waiting the big release.

You are the best !!!
Claudio Damiani


Hello everyone, hello Tim Arno. I am flying with my network forum and we are using version 3.1.4 beta and so far we have not had any particular problems with this version. We fly with P3D and link that fact with FSUIPC in Pipe mode. Thank you for your excellent program which is the must for VFR flight.

Best Regard Fred

tim arnot

Cool. The group I fly multiplayer with has started using JoinFS - It's low latency, low overhead, and connects P3D, FSX and FSXSE in the same session. Well worth a look. :)

Tim. @TimArnot


Hi everybody,

Just installed Test Ver  , no problems other than with status bar showing lat/long in decimal format reports west longitudes as negative but in format it reports correctly as W**.**.**, not really important  just passing on for information.  ( Windows7 pro 64 bit )

Cheers,        Alan.

Cheers,       Alan.


Hi Tim
Bit of a dinasaur here with FSX on Vista.
I'm unable to delete waypoints directly from the flightplan. All other instructions from the r-click menu work ok.
I just get a ping and everything locks up. I just have to restart.
Thanks for your tireless efforts, much appreciated by many.

tim arnot

Hmm. Works fine here. Are you just right-clicking the leg and selecting Delete? Or do you left-click select the leg first, then delete? (both should work equally). Also, do you get the "are you sure?" warning?

A ding noise usually means there's some other dialog up that's demanding a response before you can do anything else. You could try alt-tabbing the main window to the back, to see if there's a dialog hiding behind it for some reason.

Tim. @TimArnot


Where is the reset tool windows button? Thank you


tim arnot

Tim. @TimArnot


It is ok on my computer running W7 pro and FSX.
The new version imported  all previous data, including heights.
Thanks a lot

Marco Metzgen


Just a slight modification to OviOne's Spanish translation.  In the attachment...


Hi Tim,

My Plan 3 has not worked well recently.

I downloaded v 3.1.4 as per instructions but, when double clicked gave this harmful warning, & same thing happened when I tried to install v.3.1.3.  Can you help?      ....thanx     ....nick

please see attached



things changed since I last posted here

Just posted this "Posted by: nichos  « on: Today at 12:24:57 PM" but did not see it in the normal lists. Where did I go wrong?        .............nick

tim arnot

Did you refresh your browser? I can see the post.

And in answer to your question, there is no malware here: it is a false positive by your virus software.

Tim. @TimArnot


Sorry to alarm you Tim,

It happens on any version download when I try to install it & press OK.

It does not happen on downloads from elsewhere, and not only now I can not have Plan G but whatever I downloaded cannot delete.           ...........nick

tim arnot

You should contact your antivirus supplier and report it as a false positive. It's up to them to sort it out.

Tim. @TimArnot