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Test version * NEW 08/10/2017 *

Started by tim arnot, October 21, 2016, 12:20:44 PM

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tim arnot

Quote from: Pyro on November 03, 2017, 06:57:53 AM
Quote from: Pyro on October 24, 2017, 03:38:59 PM
Thank you very much
Hi Tim.
Did you find this older version?
Sorry, got distracted by other things. Here it is (attached)

Tim. @TimArnot


Hi Tim,

I've got the same problem as reported by fmrr94 on Oct 12 (Reply #290).   I am using PlanG v.  I have installed DotNet 4.6.2.
PlanG loads up correctly and loads the databases but will not connect to XP-11.  I am connecting to XP11 using XPWideClient over a network.

I can run v3.1.3.113 perfectly with the same setup.

Log.txt attached which shows XPUIPC errors

Any ideas on what to do here


Hang fire -  have just read another post with similar problems.  It may be that I was not running as administrator.  Will check tomorrow after work


tim arnot

Check your permissions (run as Administrator) match between Plan-G and X-Plane, and chic you're not being blocked by a firewall or antivirus.

Quote from: Skyhawk_Kid on November 12, 2017, 09:35:15 AM
Hi Tim,

I've got the same problem as reported by fmrr94 on Oct 12 (Reply #290).   I am using PlanG v.  I have installed DotNet 4.6.2.
PlanG loads up correctly and loads the databases but will not connect to XP-11.  I am connecting to XP11 using XPWideClient over a network.

I can run v3.1.3.113 perfectly with the same setup.

Log.txt attached which shows XPUIPC errors

Any ideas on what to do here


Tim. @TimArnot


Yup - Run As Administrator was the culprit - thanks Ian


Hi Tim,

I am running FSX with Plan G successfully since years but now I have troubles with the installation of the actual Plan G;

I start with tícking on "Generate FSX data base", start the options window and fill in the pathes for the FSX programe and the scenery.cfg. Then I close the options window with OK and start the FSX data base generation. At first it works fine but only until the 71429 air ways are written. Then the following window opens:
The type initializer for "ExtentPlaceholderCreator" has caused an exception. See log file for more Details.

I enclose the related log file. Please check!

Thanks in advance!
Kind regards

tim arnot

The problem appears to be a missing (or damaged) component of SqlServerCE, as I explained in your other thread.

Tim. @TimArnot


Hi Tim,
I know that there are a lot of items under construction. My topic is the creation of the data base using the defined folder (since 144 you have partly embedded this). It is still not working.

To summarize the situation:

  • Windows 10 default document path is set to a network drive (e.g. \\diskstation\srv-xxx\Dokumente\) therefore Plan-G will use this by default.
  • In Plan-g I entered a local path to store the database (e.g. D:\Spiele\Plan-G Files)

What goes wrong?

  • Plan-G still use the network drive:
08:08:18.0 Starting Plan-G (W7 edition), build
08:08:18.0 OS is Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0
08:08:18.0 Plan-G Files folder is: D:\Spiele\Plan-G Files
08:08:18.1 InitDataFolder
08:08:18.1 Data Source = \\diskstation\srv-detlev\Sicherung\Dokumente\Dokumente\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_FSX.sdf
08:08:18.1 Data Source = \\diskstation\srv-detlev\Sicherung\Dokumente\Dokumente\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_FS9.sdf
08:08:18.1 Data Source = \\diskstation\srv-detlev\Sicherung\Dokumente\Dokumente\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_XPX.sdf
08:08:18.1 Data Source = \\diskstation\srv-detlev\Sicherung\Dokumente\Dokumente\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_P3D.sdf
08:08:18.1 Data Source = \\diskstation\srv-detlev\Sicherung\Dokumente\Dokumente\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_NAVI.sdf
08:08:18.1 Data Source = \\diskstation\srv-detlev\Sicherung\Dokumente\Dokumente\Plan-G Files\Data\UserWaypoints.sdf
08:08:18.1 Data Source = \\diskstation\srv-detlev\Sicherung\Dokumente\Dokumente\Plan-G Files\Data\MEF.sdf
08:08:18.1 Creating \\diskstation\srv-detlev\Sicherung\Dokumente\Dokumente\Plan-G Files\Profiles
08:08:18.2 Creating \\diskstation\srv-detlev\Sicherung\Dokumente\Dokumente\Plan-G Files\Charts
08:08:21.0 Map tiles cache: C:\Users\gundu\AppData\Local\GMap.NET\
08:08:21.1 Program in: D:\Spiele\Plan-G v3.2.0.144

  • There will be sharing violations. e.g.
08:08:21.9 Data Source = \\diskstation\srv-detlev\Sicherung\Dokumente\Dokumente\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_P3D.sdf
08:08:21.9 IsDataLoaded: There is a file sharing violation. A different process might be using the file. [ \\diskstation\srv-detlev\Sicherung\Dokumente\Dokumente\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_P3D.sdf ]

  • At the end there is again a sharing violation and the program must  be terminated manually
08:15:38.9 Schreibe 34968 Flugplätze
08:15:38.9 StartBuild_Executed: There is a file sharing violation. A different process might be using the file. [ \\diskstation\srv-detlev\Sicherung\Dokumente\Dokumente\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_XPX.sdf ]

P.S.: Leaving the setting to pint to the network drive wil also not help as the sharing violation will still be there.

I understood, that your solution is to use the manually defined path completely (if any) and no longer point to the default windows document path.

Thanks for helping
Best wishes

tim arnot

Tim. @TimArnot