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Trouble Getting Maps On Plan-G

Started by gumbeaux, July 19, 2017, 03:35:18 PM

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Several issues - I am running FSX Steam, but also have the boxed FSX on my computer.  I am running Windows 7 Home Premium.  I loaded Plan-G and did FSX data setup.  1) I don''t know what to put in the FSX Program or FSX Scenery boxes in the Database Build Options.  Please advise if you can.  2) When I go to Map, I get a blue screen with a text message saying "We are sorry, but we don't have imagery at this zoom level for this region.  No matter to what airport I go, I get the same message.  3) In addition to the text saying there is no imagery, I get a red text box that says "Exception: The remote name could not be resolved: ''.  Any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated.


tim arnot

Download the 3.1.4 beta update from the first thread in this forum.

Tim. @TimArnot


The map and error messages were resolved by downloading the test version of plan-g.  I appreciate your timely help on those issues.  However when I click on the 'connect' button to FSX Steam, I get an error tone and nothing happens.  I am very new at this so I figure it is something fundamental that I am or am not doing.  Is there there a path that I should be placing in the FSX program in the database build options.  Again, thanks for your help in resolving the map issues.  Any help you can give me on this issue would be appreciated.


tim arnot

If you're running FSX as administrator, you must run Plan-G as administrator (or vice versa - they mist have the same security access to talk to each other). If you are connecting via FSUIPC, make sure it is running. If you are connecting across a network, make sure you have set up a SimConnect.xml file (see the manual) and put it in the right place, or have WideFS server/client correctly configured.

If those things are all correct (or don't apply) and you still can't connect, please attach your log file.

Tim. @TimArnot