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Maps Not Showing on Windows 10 Laptop

Started by brudgeon, July 21, 2017, 05:02:51 AM

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I have been using Plan-G3(v3.0.2.51) on a laptop running Windows 7 64-bit without problems.
I have installed the same software onto a newer laptop running Windows 10  but the maps do not appear. I know that it is working with FSX because the little yellow aeroplane icon orients correctly and leaves a trace as it flies around and also the nearby navaids and aerodromes are displayed.
However, the underlying map is not there, just a lot of blue tiles with the wording "Exception: the remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden".  The internet is active.
Be sure that the map source is set to OpenStreetMaps and I can access that website normally in my browser.
Strangely it all works OK on the Windows 7 laptop. Any help in fixing this problem would be much appreciated.


Hold the Horses! I've just launched Plan-G again and it's working alright now. I have no idea why!

tim arnot

That's a very old version, which uses map providers that are no longer active. I'd recommend you install, which you can find in the stickied thread at the top of this forum.

Your Window's 7 laptop was probably showing cached map data.

Tim. @TimArnot