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Plang P3DV4 no planes visible in network

Started by picard, October 23, 2017, 09:45:38 PM

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I just installed P3Dv4. I fly in network on vatsim. I run planG (v3.2.0.144). When I connect, I see my plane but I do not see the other planes that are networked around me. If I launch FSX with the same G-plane, when I connect, I see my plane and all the planes around me. I forgot something ? Thank you for your reply


Hello. I just did some tests. It's ok when I connect to Vatsim with Vpilot. So the problem comes when I connect with JoinFS. I will search for this software. Thanks anyway for this update PlanG

tim arnot

JoinFS can do some odd things when it comes to P3Dv4 - it's rather hit and miss in my experience. I fly multiplayer with it, and it can take an hour of messing about just to get everyone to see each other in the sim!

Tim. @TimArnot


Hello. It is a forgetting configuration in JoinFs that prevented me from seeing the other aircraft. Sorry to have bothered you and thank you for your program that accompanies my flights for several years.


Quote from: tim arnot on October 24, 2017, 10:35:45 AM
JoinFS can do some odd things when it comes to P3Dv4 - it's rather hit and miss in my experience. I fly multiplayer with it, and it can take an hour of messing about just to get everyone to see each other in the sim!

I apologize that this is an older thread but I would like to share some observations with JoinFS if you still need help. We use it exclusively for our virtual carrier wing and what we have found is that everyone needs to be running the same version (they get updated quite frequently). Also make sure Auto-refresh is checked ( if you still cant see other player you simply disconnect the sim and network by clicking the buttons on the main JoinFS window) and uncheck broadcast everything. If you are still having issues visit there forum. Peter responds quite frequently.